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How to 'fly by the mun'?

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Hello all, this is my first post here, and I am pretty new to ksp aswell.. I have been playing for about a week now, and just starting to send kerbal passengers and landers to the moon. but I am kinda stumped on one of the objectives that I have. 'fly by the mun'


here is what I have done: I have gotten my passengers into a nice stable 10k orbit above the mun... And the seemingly more simple objective isn't checked. Do I need to enter and exit without orbiting? Because that would be a bummer.



Any tips on what I should be doing here?



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I can't tell you for sure, but I think that if you're orbiting, then the flyby should already have completed.

I think the contracts are a little bugged in some situations on this version. Try going back to the space center and to your ship again and see if it completes.

And welcome to KSP! Prepare to lose some chunks of your life, I already have a thousand hours logged in the game....

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Nope, just geting into the Mun SoI should do the trick.

I'd double-check if the tourists are actually -on- the ship.. I guess all of us forgot even more important things than that when launching missions. :P

But if they are on the ship beyond doubt, than it's just a bug, and that you can fix in the debug menu (alt+f12).

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I think there is a bug where contracts don't always complete if you aren't focused on the ship being used when you go through the SOI change. I wouldn't worry about it too much, it should complete when you burn to leave the Mun, and if not, you can just use the alt-f12 menu mentioned above. :)

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Yea I have definatly loaded the passengers. I have 6 of them all packed in a rocket. (one of those big missions with quite a few people)


Only person I forgot was a scientist, which I swapped out in lunar rendezvous. (it defaulted to pilot, and thats no good for my lander... And I didn't notice till I was half way to the moon.)


But it might be because it wasn't focused on. I had a flotilla of 4 ships headed towards the moon at the time, so I am bouncing around quite a bit to control all of them.

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You get the flyby if you have focus of the ship at the moment it enters or leaves the SOI of the thing it's meant to flyby.

Yes logically entering into orbit means you must have been on a flyby trajectory at some stage, sadly the game doesn't care, it only accepts the above two very specific moments as having satisfied flyby.

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