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  1. As others have echoed already, we likely wouldn't have found much out about what the fate of KSP2 is to be... but it is a shame we haven't had the chance to hear the story of how it ended up like it did straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Thanks to him anyway for at least trying - as he put far more eloquently, the real shame here is that other developers/studios/publishers won't get the chance to learn from what went wrong here in the way that they would have hopefully done otherwise. I'd hate to see other projects fail in a similar way just because someone's covering their backs / someone in legal got spooked.
  2. I'm aware there's been some pretty baseless accusations thrown around recently with regards to moderators, but I'm pretty sure that this in particular is referring to the OP of the Reddit AMA original thread, which has indeed been taken down (by the unrelated Reddit moderators, not the KSP forum moderators)
  3. I seem to be able to see them just fine? Very cool btw @anis - I've never managed to get a shuttle working in KSP, it's definitely up there as one of the hardest things you can do! (especially if you're like me and suck at landing...)
  4. Alternatively, use the power of rebranding - it's not a "failed lander", it's an "unprecedented leap forward on the path to Duna colonisation"...
  5. A bit off-topic, but I believe the inefficiency that is usually being referred to here is immediate land-use and water consumption - i.e. short-term efficiencies of limited resources. As mentioned, this is specifically a problem with industrial meat farming, which needs high-nutrient plant inputs and vitamin supplements to maintain quality (e.g. soya from South America, which is mostly used as livestock feed), which would be more efficiently directly consumed by humans. The numbers I've seen thrown around (alas, unsourceable...) suggest a 5-10% transference of energy between trophic levels, so skipping one is always going to help in these cases. Admittedly I'm not sure how much of that lost energy/mass is recoverable (and if social norms were different, we could do the same with human manure I suppose...), but it doesn't change the more immediate inefficiency of producing less usable calories per unit land used. And again, this only applies to mass industrial farming - I'm sure there's very reasonable ways of using livestock to produce nutrition from less farmable land, same as fishing.
  6. Negative colours implies the existence of imaginary colours......
  7. Welcome to the forums! Which button are you talking about? If you're talking about unmodded KSP1, there's no way to get your kerbals to automatically pilot craft - you unlock the ability to have them point the craft in various useful directions (see here) but they won't be able to fly anything into orbit for you. The basic "Flight Assist" SAS option causes your craft to try and (loosely) hold whichever you're pointing in, as the name suggests it's more to assist you when you're flying things yourself. There are user-made mods available that add the ability for your craft to fly themselves, but if you're new to the game you probably don't want to dig too deep into all that just yet
  8. Just had a check, and yep: it's there, this is a stock tool. I had no idea this existed until now, apparently it was added in the final major version (1.12)! Unfortunately, after a little messing around and a quick google, it looks like that's just how it works, unfortunately. It seems it's capable of producing some transfer to other bodies, but not necessarily a particularly fast one... I'm not sure if it's optimising for dV or what? It even seems to struggle with the Mun and Minmus - I gave it a go from a pretty simple circular orbit, and in both cases it wanted me to wait multiple days for a transfer, which definitely doesn't seem right, and there's no real way to tweak it... You're better off with the Transfer Window Planner mod, which is presumably what the stock version was watered down from (the modder who created it was working for Squad around that time), or I think MechJeb has its own tool for automatically doing transfers? EDIT: Now that I think about it, TWP doesn't actually auto-create manoeuvres for you... but it would at least give you the right times.
  9. Every Worm knows the quickest way to the Mün is via ninja rope...
  10. The difference is that by the time KSP1 stopped development, KSP2 had already started - this time, as far as we know there's no development being done at all, and the companies involved have been effectively closed down. There's no particular reason to think the forums are going be explicitly shut down, but there's no particular reason to think they'll stay up either. No-one's super clear who within Take Two is actually responsible for the forums now, if anyone, and even the moderators haven't been able to get in contact: The forums could be around for many more years... or they might just vanish without warning. It's impossible to say at this point.
  11. Finally got a chance to mess around with some of those beautiful volumetric clouds with JNSQ (thanks @blackrack & @rbeap!) now that I have some (slightly) more powerful hardware... and wow does it deliver (ignore the giant fireballs, I think I have something wrong set up with my Waterfall SRBs) Alas no Parallax as of yet (darned MacOS), but wow this game can look incredible when you pile the right mods in. I've been doing a Kerbalism play through this weekend with JNSQ, which has turned out to be a pretty brutal combination... still, it's nice to feel a little challenged again after so long. I haven't even managed to get an unmanned landing on the Mun yet, and putting any kind of half-lengthy mission up seems risky until I have docking.
  12. Now that I think about it, it might be time to transfer my KSP1 to Steam, in case the PD website vanishes at some point in the near future...
  13. On a related note, probes also need a Comnet connection to have full throttle control. This is especially true when trying to land for the first time on the Mun - as tempting as it is to get try and hit that sweet spot where Kerbin is right above the horizon as you touch down on the Munar surface, your probe is almost definitely going to plough into the ground at full speed if your overshoot slightly and the planet drops out of sight. Unless you're smart enough to set up a relay first, I guess...
  14. Right, in truth the bar was pretty low - all they really had to do was make a game that felt like a substantial improvement over KSP1, which given how ramshackle the first game was could have been entirely achievable. I do genuinely think that "KSP1 but better-looking and more coherent" with a few new toys to play with genuinely could have been pretty successful: one thing that I don't think anyone was really criticising was how more accessible KSP2 was, through tutorials and such, which I imagine would have been quite attractive to people who struggled to get into the very sandbox-y first game. In truth the alarm bells for me only really went off when Early Access hit... going from a projected 2020 full release to a 2023 (very) Early Accesss release clearly meant something had gone wrong. But it was actually Nertea's blog post that really pushed me to "oh, this is in real bad shape", although not for the reasons some did (I actually really liked what he was talking about there!). What was specifically concerning was that they were still doing lots of 'big picture' planning, and that clearly no-one knew how big features like colonies or even heating were actually going to work practically for the longest time. I still don't know much about game development, so I don't know how typical that it is at that stage of development, but even then it felt like a full 1.0 release was still multiple years out.
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