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astronomy lectures series

Benoit Hage

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I'm sure a lot of you already know those, but for those who dont:

von Karman lecture series.

Sillicon valley astronomy lecture.

I'm clearly fond of science documentaries, but after some time, it's always the same and gets rather boring. It just doesn't go deep enough into their subject and instead makes it "sensational and Hollywood alike" which is just annoying.

Those lectures series open a new dimension for the science amateurs like myself. It's possible to learn a lot in it and it's made by the very scientists/researchers who work on the matter. Often audience questions are answered by the end of the lecture, which is also cool.

If any of you know other series like those, please post them here. I'm eager for more!



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At the risk of being overly high level, I've had a prof link these video series:

Leonard Susskind Cosmology lecture series

A bunch of galaxy formation and ΛCDM cosmology.

edit: and as long as I'm posting ones that are aimed more at scientists than the general public Space Telescope Science Institute has a lot of cool stuff. (I'm not trying to show off, and these are probably not quite what you're looking for, but hopefully they do something about how often online astronomy videoes are at best at the intro level?)

Edited by UmbralRaptor
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1 hour ago, UmbralRaptor said:

At the risk of being overly high level, I've had a prof link these video series:

Leonard Susskind Cosmology lecture series

A bunch of galaxy formation and ΛCDM cosmology.

edit: and as long as I'm posting ones that are aimed more at scientists than the general public Space Telescope Science Institute has a lot of cool stuff. (I'm not trying to show off, and these are probably not quite what you're looking for, but hopefully they do something about how often online astronomy videoes are at best at the intro level?)

Some of us won't sleep long tonight!

I think everyone here, who went to check a bit deeper in the game mechanics other than just murdering poor kerbals, is already at the edge of what documentaries have to offer. Somehow, if one wants to learn more stuff, only listening to those lectures is the following step.  Surely I won't understand everything at the first shot, but Wikipedia is only few clicks away.

Very cool @UmbralRaptor ! Much appreciated.



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I started the Leonard Susskind Cosmology lectures and yes, my brain needs more coolant... Certainly the guy is impressive.
Later on I found those lectures by Carolin Crawford from the Gresham College. It is more of a talk and is surely worth watching during interplanetary journeys.

Professor Carolin Crawford

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