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in game parts welding

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Hi, everyone. I have a Suggestion that realy need tu be part of the 1.1 game :)

It's parts welding ability in original ksp. yes, i know it's a mod for that :) i using it. but mod is kinda complicated and if u have ~20 other mods it took a real long time to add every part u whant and sometimes aso it makes spam in parts menu. :) 

Why ? becoze game using a lot of cpu. i have quite well laptop. but can't bild more than 100parts without lagg :)  it's no problem when u bilding a rocked to get somewhere u not even need thant much pats. but when it comes abuot suface/orbital bases it's a big problem. to have a well suited base u need ~50 parts(withuot any life susport mod) then a good lander so explore planet with all since and other stuff it takes 30 parts +rower and other stuff u might wanna have on suface. and thats if u save any part u can. it's subtract the enjoyment of game.

if it's convenient opportunity to weeld parts it make game much more relish. and it not require a lot of development(i think) :)

Edited by Skylar'
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What gameplay element does it take away?

You don't have to weld potentially and it could be on top of any existing infrastructure. But it could be used to reduce physics a bit and change the value of hardness of the joint. Plus you could give engineers more work to fix broken welds in space etc. Just treat it like a thing on top of and in addition to the current joint system. It would just be weld reinforcing. That would add to current game mechanics.


Edited by Arugela
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