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Getting large objects into space and on the mun

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Pretty straight forward, I see screens with people building mun bases and I was wondering how you get those objects into space and then land them. Also I downloaded BACE and Im not sure how to get it up into orbit.

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One 3 meter tank with bertha engines and radially attach 4 or more 3 meter tanks also with bertha engines attach. Attach the payload on top with a secondary fuel tank and engine in between the payload and first stage. Make sure you have an advanced sas system on board to reduce wobble. I think i have a pic somewhere... ahh! this would do nicely


This is a big, heavy interplanetary vessel destined for kerbol orbit. Those six radially attached rockets sent the vessel from the surface of kerbin, to a kerbin escape velocity with some fuel to spare.

Again: Payload on top. Next stage down is your landing engines and tank if not already integrated in your payload. Next stage down is your orbital engine and tank that has the job of circularizing your orbit and doing your transfer burn. don\'t be stingy with this stage cause your first stage is massive! The final stage down, or first stage is a 3 meter tank with bertha engines with 4 other 3 meter tanks with bertha engines radially attached to that. Its job is to get you out of the atmosphere and into your target altittude. ASAS should be attached either on your payload, or landing engines with some regular SAS integrated on all staging. If you need rcs, you only need it from your orbital engine and tank and up.

This is my personal rocket design which has no faults. Its stable cause its very bottom heavy and symmetrical. Its powerful with all those 3 meter tank and bertha engines. And its wobble proof thanks to its squat design and ASAS!

Hope this helps!

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... or, you could always download or mod yourself and do one little engine with enormous push. I mean Duck, honestly... doesn\'t it seem to you that these mods are beginning to defeat the purpose? How about a heavy lifter with default tanks/engines?

So, to answer the OP:

This is what i narrowed down my vehicles to, trying to keep a reasonable budget and only use the minimum needed:

A stock parts munar heavy(ish) lifter would be a 3-stager with boosters as a 4th stage. As the worst part of the lift is the first couple of minutes, at the start you should fire 6 non-thrustvectoring engines with the force of 200 - those are boosters, they each have 3 tanks on top, control surfaces on sides (1 each) and will detach when they run dry. Also at the start fire the 3 thrustvectoring in the central column, which should have 3 tanks for each engine. Detach the boosters (should happen during the gravity turn), then the central column (3 tv engines and the tanks). The next stage is the same as previous central column - 3 tv engines, 9 tanks. This one will probably stay in an annoying orbit. Next stage is payload - with its own small engine and 3 tanks of fuel, rcs and 8 rcs blocks ( 4 top, 4 bottom), an asas and a mechjeb.

I have to admit, I have not tried this design (hopefully today). What I do though, is use a slightly lighter version of this design for keostationary launches (which are about halfway to the Mun) with final stage of over 10 tons. I only use 1 tank on top of each booster (but as we all know it can hold up to 3 effectively), and only 2 tanks on the last stage. In my case that\'s enough, with an added advantage that the second stage also returns to Kerbin and does not litter my space : )

EDIT: Oops, looks like I described my previous design. Sorry. Skip the middle stage altogether, you shouldn\'t need it. Just 6 boosters, central column and payload ship on top of that. And if you do add the middle stage, this should be enough to launch a whole house up there. I\'ll give it a try soon : )

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This is what I use now to deploy comsats around Mun. 6 ntv detachable boosters, 3 tv in the center, then the ship.

The last stage, after dropping the sat can land on the Mun and lift back into low munar orbit. There just might be enough in the RSC to get it back to Kerbin, haven\'t checked.

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