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Model issues


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So this is the part I am working on, I have a part with the same cfg file and is technically the same item just improved design to it, only changed just the model and name sin the cfg. It shows up in the game, and can see the model, but when selected it shows the two nodes for top and bottom but not the part. There is the main part and 6 cylinders that are separate but under the main body in unity.

If more info is needed I can supply it.  

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I saw this once. Went back into Blender and the parts were a light purple/pink. Redid the textures so they displayed properly in blender - ran the parts through Unity and re-wrote the .mu file. They reappeared correctly in game. Never did figure out what when wrong.

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Did you import the exported .dae file or just open the .blend file? I have double checked the textures and exported a few more times to try and resolve the issue but it keeps persisting.


Edit: and I guess I join you in not knowing why that resolved my texture issue but it did, item is now working in KSP and looks better then my first model to boot. Here is the part in game, I will need to re do the texture it is not very stockalike.


Edited by Caithloki
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Another issue, with this tank it will only attach in the very center. I have altered the rotation in blender and unity in 90 degree increments and  no matter what it will not connect properly. The cfg file is just the stock xenon tank, I must be missing something. I have spent the last hour doing different rotations with no luck. Please help.

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If I had it in blender as this



should it be like this



I should be able to rectify that if that is the only issue.

The collider is not a child of the tank is what I mean.

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What I've been doing (not sure if it's the best way) is to create an empty in blender and then both the mesh and the collider are children (at the same level) of the empty. This makes it easy to move pieces out of the way - just move the empty and the rest moves with it. I add the nodes in unity as empty game objects and use the NODE { } in the config file to place stack nodes.

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Okay, that might fix my issue then, because currently I have empty > Tank > collision/tank models. That extra step in the chain might be screwing me.

Ediit: was able to get it resolved after a bit more messing around, I think I am going to redo the texture completely though, the amount of bump map is to much on it.

Edited by Caithloki
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