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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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1 hour ago, donoya said:

Is there a compatible version for KSP 1.3.1? Or is the current version cross compatible?

Version 0.16 was the last version to work with 1.3.1 while only requiring the correct dependencies. The current version will technically work with 1.3.1 but some configs will have incorrect syntax. I know TexturesUnlimited won't work, but there may other configs as well.

For what's worth, I have a customized version of my mod running in 1.3.1, but I can't remember what were all the changes I had to make.

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I hope you all had a good Christmas!

For those brave souls, there is now a push to Github with all completed Mariner parts, as well as the Surveyor update. This has been semi-tested in and should work with KSP 1.4 + but please let me know if you encounter any issues. I have not yet tested anything in the new KSP 1.6. This is not a full release of BETA 17, just a big Github push. Dependencies have not been updated.

Here is a recap of the new parts:

X2NbyaJ.png D7GMeqk.png
QzDW5DN.png gvqOKV9.png


In other development news, I have been doing some re-work of current SRB parts to unify their meshes and art style. This will include IUE's Star 24C motor, Surveyor's Star 37B retromotor, Voyager's propulsion module (Star 37E), and the new stand-alone Star 37E. I ran into some problems with size discrepancies, but I'll come back to them as I'd like to update these parts. There was a WIP image some pages back if you missed it.

I have also pushed on towards the final Mariner planned for this release, Mariner 9. M9 will re-use the Argo Mk4 bus and imaging platform. The biggest addition is the new propulsion module which it used to insert into a martian orbit. My plan is to have the propulsion module modeled and have a thermal cover you can toggle on/off. It is unfortunately a pain in the rear to model and texture, but this was too cool of a part and I did not want to skip that detail. Here's a peek of the progress:




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1 hour ago, RaceToTheMun said:

Does it have a Junocam analog?

Not currently. But I do have a multi-spectral camera based on New Horizons, of all things, which I use on its behalf.

46 minutes ago, drtedastro said:


Many thanks for all of the work..


You are welcome! I am glad you like it!

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Recently just flew by Sarnus from OPM



On 12/21/2018 at 12:30 PM, akron said:

Viking is next after that, but I don't know if I will include it on this next release. It really is up to what you guys think.


Definitely would love to see it this release, would go along with the mariners nicely imo. Loving this mod btw keep it up! :D 

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44 minutes ago, Jay The Amazing Toaster said:

Recently just flew by Sarnus from OPM
Definitely would love to see it this release, would go along with the mariners nicely imo. Loving this mod btw keep it up! :D 

Awesome! Although those Voyager parts need to get re-made and improved!

Viking would be coming up next regardless. The whole reason I ended up making all of the Mariner replicas was as a lead up to it anyway since the orbiter is essentially a modified Mariner 9. I probably didn't end up saving as much texture space in the end, but it was very cool to do. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, The_Arcitect said:

Excuse me, but I tried looking for the Dracco command module, but it seems like I cant find it.

Can you help?

I think a couple of people had this same issue before but a while ago.

Can you send me your KSP log?

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Been having fun with your parts, per usual! If I get the chance, I'll see about adjusting up the newer probes/antennas for RT. 

Separately: I have been getting farther into career mode than I usually do. I am not sure if it is me or CTT, but I keep running into the catch 22 or not having the science needed to get the parts to send to the outer system to get the science to get the parts... oh for the want of a spider and/or fly!.. is it possible that maybe a balancing act might be clustering at least a working set of earlier parts to send out to explore? Especially with RT, it's tricky to have the antenna or the probe but not both. It may not be worth balancing around mods, for your own sanity at least :p

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12 hours ago, komodo said:

Been having fun with your parts, per usual! If I get the chance, I'll see about adjusting up the newer probes/antennas for RT. 

Separately: I have been getting farther into career mode than I usually do. I am not sure if it is me or CTT, but I keep running into the catch 22 or not having the science needed to get the parts to send to the outer system to get the science to get the parts... oh for the want of a spider and/or fly!.. is it possible that maybe a balancing act might be clustering at least a working set of earlier parts to send out to explore? Especially with RT, it's tricky to have the antenna or the probe but not both. It may not be worth balancing around mods, for your own sanity at least :p


Around what node are you getting stuck?

As you get farther out planetary landing science may become more critical, so a Surveyor (Or upcoming Viking/rover) mission may be necessary to collect and do ground sampling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity, while it can be effectively replicated with the Voyager and Cassini parts, are there any plans to add Mariner Mk. II specific parts down the line?


Edited by Petrovich
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22 minutes ago, Petrovich said:

Just out of curiosity, while it can be effectively replicated with the Voyager parts, are there any plans to add Mariner Mk. II specific parts down the line?



I dig the propulsion module but, unless there's a huge demand, I doubt doing the other parts would add much that Voyager or Cassini parts don't already cover. Heck, that 3rd picture you posted is Cassini in its 1991 configuration


I have a Voyager parts overhaul planned, I can probably include that PM and any other extra MkII parts then.

Edited by akron
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1 minute ago, Petrovich said:

Oh cool! I look forward to any improvements that will bring!  :)

Thanks! I am mostly just trying to improve resolution, add specular and normal maps, etc. I may remove Torekka from the old texture atlas as well. I don't think it's worth it anymore. :(


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On 12/28/2018 at 1:07 AM, akron said:


I hope you all had a good Christmas!

For those brave souls, there is now a push to Github with all completed Mariner parts, as well as the Surveyor update. This has been semi-tested in and should work with KSP 1.4 + but please let me know if you encounter any issues. I have not yet tested anything in the new KSP 1.6. This is not a full release of BETA 17, just a big Github push. Dependencies have not been updated.

Here is a recap of the new parts:

In other development news, I have been doing some re-work of current SRB parts to unify their meshes and art style. This will include IUE's Star 24C motor, Surveyor's Star 37B retromotor, Voyager's propulsion module (Star 37E), and the new stand-alone Star 37E. I ran into some problems with size discrepancies, but I'll come back to them as I'd like to update these parts. There was a WIP image some pages back if you missed it.

I have also pushed on towards the final Mariner planned for this release, Mariner 9. M9 will re-use the Argo Mk4 bus and imaging platform. The biggest addition is the new propulsion module which it used to insert into a martian orbit. My plan is to have the propulsion module modeled and have a thermal cover you can toggle on/off. It is unfortunately a pain in the rear to model and texture, but this was too cool of a part and I did not want to skip that detail. Here's a peek of the progress:



I've been playing with your mod on 1.6.1 and so far everything seems to be working as intended, I haven't come across any issues I can think of so far. Love the work you've done, this is one of those must have mods for me, I've been using it with a CTT config that is centered around starting with probes and this mod fits almost perfectly with it. I'm hoping at some point he adds full support for your mod.

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2 hours ago, Jesse-Lacey said:


I've been playing with your mod on 1.6.1 and so far everything seems to be working as intended, I haven't come across any issues I can think of so far. Love the work you've done, this is one of those must have mods for me, I've been using it with a CTT config that is centered around starting with probes and this mod fits almost perfectly with it. I'm hoping at some point he adds full support for your mod.


I am glad you like the mod

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1 hour ago, Orbital_phoenix said:

Really love the mod and enjoy the progress being made! 

I put together a few screenshots:



Wow. Just... Wow. :o Would jaw drop again. This should be linked on the front page, if for no other reason than craft ideas.

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6 hours ago, Orbital_phoenix said:

Really love the mod and enjoy the progress being made! 

I put together a few screenshots:

Beautiful stuff there! :o

I can never get that much fidelity out of my visual settings. Specially love the shot of Odyssey over Duna. I may have to ping you for some tips on visuals at some point

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