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[Win][With Auto-Updater!] Kerbal Space Program: Mod Manager

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I was using Generic Game Mod Manager until I stumbled across this after watching videos from Lord Stimpy on YouTube. Insta-downloaded, insta-started over since I couldn't remember what plugins were what, where, etc, etc.

I did notice an issue though. The "RENAME" function doesn't seem to work. I highlight, select Edit> Rename, and I get no action.

What I might also suggest is in your about page is to add a link that opens up to this forum page for further updates. I realize you have the auto-update function, but, I'd still like to go to the forum page to find out if someone else has found a problem. :]

Now, off to find some new and interesting plugins!

EDIT: I also found that if you RIGHT-Click on the Title/Version/Status bar, you get a break in the program. You can continue use though.

Edited by Pontiac
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@Pontiac: Thanks for downloading KSPMM. The rename function is not yet implemented. Never got around to it. It never got mentioned. So I never set it as any priority. Same with "New" and "Open". Although those a obsolete by now because of the Dev-Kit.

As for the RIGHT-Click bug you found, I just confirmed it. I think it the method I'm using to detect which entry in the list that's been clicked. Since the title bar is not actually an entry, but a header. It still checks. And then throws an error.

And the idea to add a link to this page is pretty good. I can definitively see the usefulness in that.

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Mhm. Yea. Thanks.

Will be fixed in the next update. Which is just around the corner.

Speaking of next version, this update will mostly be focused on the Bridge Web-Browser I have.

For example, I set the new homepage to be the SpacePort.

Because I FINALLY figured out how to get the direct link to a mod file on there. Yes, you heard right. Next version will allow directly downloading files from the SpacePort using KSPMM Bridge.

No Save As... dialog or anything. It will automatically detect the file type and download it to the appropriate folder. When you press the Download button.

Right now I'm working on a effective way of bulk downloading files. And storing the logs.

Would you guys be fine with store and forget for each session? It will remember what you've downloaded till you close KSPMM. Then it forgets it. The easiest method.


Would it be referred to store that info somewhere? And load it back up again next you run KSPMM? So it will always remember what you've downloaded. And let you re-download it. This would require saving another file on your PC somewhere.

EDIT: Just a quick update to let everyone know it works perfectly! It will now downloads mods from SpacePort, add it in the MODS folder. And reload the main mods list. All with one click of a button. The big red "Download Now!".

I still need to do some minor tweaks and fixes and some more testing before I release this version.

Edited by Norway174
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It shouldn't really need to save it since the mod list is basically shows you what you downloaded. It would just be nice if there was a standard way of putting a mod version and everyone would use it so we could tell what we had and if there was an update. Of course if you store the information you could add the option to delete the old file before downloading the new one to save drive space and keep things tidy.

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Yeah. Already made it work. I took another approach. It won't save a log of any kind. Nor trough the session.

And to deal with multiple downloads. You'll have to wait till the first one is done. Since mods aren't generally too big anyways. I figured it wouldn't be a too long of a wait.

Now my last problem, changing the button text from "Download Now!" to "Download with KSPMM!" (Feel free to suggest something better.), I thought that would be the easiest part.

Oh god, was I wrong. For some reason it won't let me modify the source code page and set it as the new one. Without treiggering the same event again, and causing it to be set again and trigger the event.

In an endless loop.

This is really bad. And the trick I used on the welcome screen, doesn't seem to be working for this one.

If anyone with VB.net experience wish to give any pointers, on how to read the source code, replace a line, and then set it back again with the new line.

Here's my current sub I'm using:

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Sub[/COLOR] Navigated() [COLOR="#0000FF"]Handles[/COLOR] WebBrowser1.Navigated

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Dim[/COLOR] orginaltxt = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]"<input class=""red_btn"" type=""submit"" name=""send"" value=""Download Now!"" />"[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Dim[/COLOR] newtxt = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]"<input class=""red_btn"" type=""submit"" name=""send"" value=""Download with KSPMM!"" />"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Dim[/COLOR] txt [COLOR="#0000FF"]As String[/COLOR] = WebBrowser1.DocumentText

txt = txt.Replace(orginaltxt, newtxt)

WebBrowser1.DocumentText = txt

[COLOR="#0000FF"]End Sub[/COLOR]

Problem is that when I set the "WebBrowser1.DocumentText = txt", it will trigger this whole sub again. And loop endlessly.

Suggestions? If not, I'll probably end up solving it myself after some time.

EDIT: Never mind. I solved it! Will probably release next version really soon.

Hoping you guys will check out the Bridge. It can be accessed under File, or by pressing Ctrl + B.

Also, a fun fact; I called the web-browser for Bridge, because it 'connects' the users to the mods easier. What is easier than walking over a bridge?

This is even easier! Just one click of a button.

Just note though, it will download any .zip file automatic. but as a security precaution, the download bar will be annoying in the middle. With a cancel button. So you will know if it downloads something regardless. Any other file types, you will get a pop-up asking if you want to save it. And where to save it. Like standard IE.

EDIT2: Just released version I highly suggest everyone check out Bridge. There should be a new button right next to "Launch KSP".

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Anyway, after closer examination of this program, I have decided to add new features to this program, and not make a new one :)

I plan to add lots of batch processing and new features (which I have in mind, and will be a secret until I make it). Also Norway, could you upload this to Github? It'll be easier for me to fork this :D

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The new Bridge works good. I am curious as to how you solved the button problem. And also have you tried doing something in a Navigating sub, maybe change the button before it is displayed. It still shows the Download Now button for a couple seconds, if someone is having lag it might cause problems. I haven't used web browsers that much in VB so not sure if that is possible. Most of my work has been on data grids or local browsers over the LAN. There I could just modify the page I didn't need to do it mid-stream.

One small request. Add a "Stay On Top" toggle option to the menu. At home I have dual monitor but when I play on my laptop it would be nice to be able to shrink the window down and move it to the corner. That way I could still see my mod list while I cruise the space port.

Edited by Soulshifter
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@ROFLCopter64bit: Oh, I can do better than that. What about read/write access to the DropBox folder? PM me if you're interested in joining the team. ;)

@Soulshifter: Actually, I changed Navigated to DocumentLoad. Which I did before the fix I added. I don't think I tested it back with Navigated. I will test it quickly. And if it still works, I'll keep it that way. Navigated is much faster than DocumentLoad. So there should be no lag then.

As for the lag, it's not a technical problem. It would always update the text. Even if happens 10 mins later. Obviously it would be bad. Would it still be updated.

As for the fix, all I did was loop trough every element. Finding the one that matches red_btn.

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Dim[/COLOR] theElementCollection [COLOR="#0000FF"]As[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]HtmlElementCollection[/COLOR]
theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName([COLOR="#FF8C00"]"input"[/COLOR])

[COLOR="#0000FF"]For Each[/COLOR] curElement [COLOR="#0000FF"]As[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]HtmlElement[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]In[/COLOR] theElementCollection
[COLOR="#0000FF"]If[/COLOR] curElement.OuterHtml.Contains([COLOR="#FF8C00"]"red_btn"[/COLOR])[COLOR="#0000FF"] Then[/COLOR]
curElement.SetAttribute([COLOR="#FF8C00"]"InnerText"[/COLOR], [COLOR="#FF8C00"]"Download with KSPMM!"[/COLOR])
[COLOR="#0000FF"]End If[/COLOR]

Putting this in the navigating sub, would get the old document. Or page.

And your request has been noted. Seems like a good idea. And very easy to do.

So I'll probably do it in the next release.

Edit: Just tried changing DocumentLoad to Navigated. Didn't work for some reason. So I'll just leave it as it is now.

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Putting this in the navigating sub, would get the old document. Or page.

Hmm, you would think there would be some way to intercept the stream and change it before it is displayed. You got my interest peaked, I am going to have to look into this(in between working on my own app :P).

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Well... You could get the new URI fairly quickly, then using a WebClient to get the web-page code before loading it with the Web-Browser. Tweak it. Then display the result in the Web-Browser.

However, using that method, the Web-Browser won't actually display the real page. It would display a modified copy locally.

Feel free to contact me on skype if you wish to communicate this further. Or would like some assistance. ;)

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I like the new addition to the Bridge. Now, pending SpacePort doesn't change the linking method.... {grin}

I was actually thinking of writing this kind of application prior to running into this one, in that it links with SpacePort, scrapes all links and descriptions it can find on each page, then presents simple links. I'm not a fan of the 3x3 layout and tonnes of clicking to get through whats offered. But, the fact that the site is there to begin with, I CAN DEAL!

Excellent work, and thanks again!

BTW, when I right-click on a row, is it possible to move the popup to near where the mouse cursor is, instead of the app hitting the dropdown on Edit menu?

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Well, I've finally gone and done it; found a good reason to register an account here on the forums.

I do so to say, Thank You!

I probably would not have spent nearly as many hours playing and experimenting with KSP if it wasn't for the easy removal and addition of other mods. Hands down (next to MechJeb), this is the single most useful tool I have for the game.

The reason I ended up here today was to figure out what Bridge does and I have to say, WOW! Why I didn't just click the button before to figure out what it does is beyond me, but I was floored at how much more simple it makes things for me :-)

Once again, Thank You for your continued work on this incredibly useful tool :-)



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I like the new addition to the Bridge. Now, pending SpacePort doesn't change the linking method.... {grin}

Honestly, I don't think it will be a problem. Because of the method I'm using. It will work with any link. (As a security precaution, you will always be able to cancel the download. Which will automatically delete the file.)

BTW, when I right-click on a row, is it possible to move the popup to near where the mouse cursor is, instead of the app hitting the dropdown on Edit menu?

It's a small bug I've yet to fix. It only happens once. If you close the pop-up and right click again, it will be at the mouse, like it should.

Well, I've finally gone and done it; found a good reason to register an account here on the forums.

I do so to say, Thank You!

I probably would not have spent nearly as many hours playing and experimenting with KSP if it wasn't for the easy removal and addition of other mods. Hands down (next to MechJeb), this is the single most useful tool I have for the game.

The reason I ended up here today was to figure out what Bridge does and I have to say, WOW! Why I didn't just click the button before to figure out what it does is beyond me, but I was floored at how much more simple it makes things for me :-)

Once again, Thank You for your continued work on this incredibly useful tool :-)



Thank you!!! That really does mean a lot to me. :-)

If you have any questions about Bridge (or KSPMM), feel free to ask.

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Got a feature request, if you're feeling up to it.

I would like to be able to select which parts of a mod I want to install. Basically, there are some large packs that come with adapters that I'll never use, so they just end up cluttering my VAB menus. At the moment, I delete them by hand. But an "advanced" installation method in the manager, which gave you a list of parts that you can check on/off would be nice. Sort of like a real software installer.


Just ran across an exception, too. I had 5 mods installed. I deleted the 2nd in the list. Then I deleted the last in the list. ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Also, you don't need tooltips on all of the menu buttons. They only serve to obstruct the sub-menu items.

Edited by JeBuSBrian
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Ability to disable certain parts of a mod has been suggested before. Along with Mod overwrite compatibility. I'm currently working on a system to deal with both of them at the same time. But I'm still wondering on how to implement it programmatic wise without breaking the advanced unpacking/installing sub I currently have.

I will look into the "ArgumentOutOfRangeException"-error you have. If I can reproduce it, I am 99.9% certain I will be able to fix it.

And I suppose you are right about the ToolTip. The name on them itself should hopefully have enough explanation. I'll leave it on for a few in some scenarios.

Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: I'm wondering if anyone who does YouTube reads this thread? I've tried contacting Lord Stimpy again, but no response yet.

If anyone would be so kind to make a new and more updated YouTube video, I would appreciate it a ton. PM me if you wish to make it a bit more "official" for KSPMM. So I can feature in the WelcomePage in KSPMM. The reason of that, I have a few requirements that needs to be met before I want to use it the Welcome Page. The requirements aren't that hard or ridiculous, so I would encourage anyone who wants to give it a shot to PM me.


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Ability to disable certain parts of a mod has been suggested before. Along with Mod overwrite compatibility. I'm currently working on a system to deal with both of them at the same time. But I'm still wondering on how to implement it programmatic wise without breaking the advanced unpacking/installing sub I currently have.
I'd suggest looking at the mod manager over at NexusMods.com. Over the years, they've built up two different mechanisms for modders to script install packages. A simple XML path, or a more precise C# script framework.
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Mhm. Yeah. I've kinda designed mine with inspiration from theirs. At least for the kspmm:// downloadable links. But I couldn't get any site to include a download link with kspmm:// so instead I made Bridge.

I have been thinking about making scripts to let modders setup install packages. But I don't know how popular it would be. Same with the info.txt KSPMM uses.

As far as I know, only one mod actually has a Info.txt. And that is MechJeb.

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@Mosheen: I wouldn't know about Chrome. As I personally use Opera. But isn't that just what Chrome does? Flag everything as malicious before you accept it?

I can assure you that there is nothing malicious with KSPMM. As the Sourcecode is freely available, you are welcome to check yourself.

As for the browser click, I assume you mean the Bridge? I'm sorry about that, as it is the browser control I am using that's doing it. And there is very little to nothing I can do to solve it.

I personally don't have my sounds on speakers anymore, as I usually only use Headphones when I play games or watch YouTube.

And the URL's for the external connections are also available in my sourcecode. They should mostly be declared at the top on the main form.

I hope this clear up a bit of confusion and possible any suspicion? If there is anything else, I'd be happy to help.


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A few things:

-The shoutbox displays the timeStamp wrong if you click it to order from the earliest post. It should sort posts by day and hour, not hour and day. Posts from early in the morning but from other days end up at the top of the list.

-This bug is strange and I'm not sure it's because the OS I'm running the Mod Manager in (Windows 8 Pro x64), but here it comes: The Mod Manager renames mods on the list to the exact same name and info of another mod at the list. I figured that might have been my fault for not downloading the mods using Bridge, but it happens even with them being downloaded from Bridge. The mods in question are Kerbal Alarm Clock and Deadly Reentry. Both appear on the list as Deadly Reentry. Since it's not possible to rename Mods on the list, I'm left to wonder which is which. I stopped adding mods to the list in fear more of them end being renaming to the same name of other mod on the list.

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