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What do SMA and INC in persistant.sfs mean ?

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Pretty straightforward: I've noticed that in one of my saves that was a lot bugged (seems to be better now, don't ask) I had quite a few of these values set to NaN.

I think this might be a cause of the bugs I had, so I would like to replace them to actual values. Any idea on their function or suitable values are welcome.

(SMA and INC found under VESSEL{ORBIT{)

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Pretty sure those need values, my approxamitly geosync satellite has the following-

                SMA = 15240608734.904
                ECC = 0.109160551969558
                INC = 2.87223661217377
                LPE = 2.1172891567035
                LAN = 261.773338496634
                MNA = 6.22770564976797
                EPH = 2043585.75608398
                REF = 0

I assume INC is inclanation or the slant of the orbit, and no idea about SMA, it isn't altitiude, at least not from kerbin.

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Why didn't I think of this ? ... It seems so obvious now... :sealed:

Anyway, any idea on what could cause these values to NaN, considering they belong to crafts that are landed or orbiting, and very controllable (the NaN Krakens I had were upon launch only) ? Could RSS have something to do with it ?

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7 hours ago, JTpopcorn said:

I assume INC is inclanation or the slant of the orbit, and no idea about SMA, it isn't altitiude, at least not from kerbin.


The Semi-major axis is not the altitude from the ground, but the "altitude" from body center. So, SMA = body radius + altitude.


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LAN and LPE can go nuts when you've got a circular orbit (since they aren't defined).

For some reason the inclination of your orbit versus another is displayed as NaN when it's too close to zero. So I could see INC being stored as NaN.

I don't get why SMA would go to NaN.

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