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Kids and KSP


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get rid of any difficulty mods (if any)... and what @regex said, make a cut down list of maybe 1.25m parts, Then introduce him to bigger and better stuff once he has a grasp on things. 1.25m should be good for even getting small probes around the mun and what not.

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For more education with ease, start off by helping him get the basics, then let him do it on his own, then slowly ease him into 64k, then inch into RO. That's if your kid is interested in rockets, as you said. You simply can't learn everything in stock.

Note: by "then let him do it on his own", I mean "wait until he gets to orbit routinely, then leave him to figure everything out". It works best.

Stock will get him to understand orbital physics, and get him to play around with dv and engine-tank configs. 64k will get him used to larger and more realistic flights. RO will get him to understand how fuels, engines, tanks, command pods, SAS (etc) work.

Personally, I started off by going stock, without KER, by testing on kerbin. I did the same with 64k, then downloaded KER and got RO.

How old is the child, by the way?

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My two boys (they are 7 and 9) love playing KSP. I set them up on a sandbox game so they don't have to worry about funds and research unlocks. I also taught them how to use mechjeb automation for launching their crazy contraptions. It's really fun watching them learn through trial and error what works and what doesn't. And it always makes me smile when I hear them talking about deltaV and hohman transfers. 

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Auto pilot mods can really help someone learn the game. For example, watching GravityTurn mod preform a perfect gravityturn taught me how to do the same. Watching Mechjeb land on the Mun taught me how to land, and watching MJ preform rendezvous taught me how to do rendezvous.

Especially if you'd be there to help explain what is happening.

Do not underestimate the importance of learning through observation. Its far easier than making someone learn something completely unknown through trial and error

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I fly with a pretty stock setup. Mostly design aids KER, RCS Buildaid, and hyper-edit for when I just want to futz around.

So definitely a parts trim and in sandbox.

A high and a low thrust engine on each size, one command pod each size, no real aero components, no mk3s... I'll have to post up a list of parts when I get to my real machine for comment.

Enough to get him to Minmus and back... maybe Duna.

So the parts list is:
MK 1 command pod
MK 1 Lander can
MK 1-2 command pod
MK 2 lander can

C7 adaptor
C7 adaptor, slant
all 3 in line RCS tanks
FT-T400 and T800
Fuel Duct
S3-14400 and 7200
Jumbo 64 and X200-32


all three stabilizers
RCS block

most of the solar panels and batteries and structural

Edited by steuben
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