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Mun Landing Help

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I have been playing KSP for around two months. I bought the full version around a month ago. I have tried to land on the moon about 36 times. I have also crashed into the moon twice :\'(. How do I land on the moon while keeping all kerbals ALIVE?

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From your statements, I assume the problem is landing, not getting there.

It is best to have a small craft for the landing stage, as the maximum velocity you can touch down at without destroying your craft scales with your mass. If you try to land a monster rocket, you probably have to get the speed below 0.5m/s without exploding, while a small rocket with say 1 engine and 1 tank you could go closer to 8m/s or so.

You also really need to use landing struts. The more landing struts, the less force each of them has to take, and the harder you can touch down. Overdoing it is a bad idea though, as they do have mass. I like to use 4 placed by the symmetry tool on my small designs, and 12 or so on larger designs.

When you come in for landing it is best to kill horizontal velocity early so you don\'t have to worry about it on the final descent. Watch the green circle with x retrograde marker on your navball and burn on it until it is exactly vertical. Then, all you have to do is slow down. I am told that RCS thrusters help for this, but I personally think that people only use RCS thrusters because they are wimps, and adding them is just a waste of mass. Personal preference however, they may help for your first landing.

A final tip is to try to choose a landing site near the center of a large crater rather then near the edges, as this area will tend to be much flatter, and easier to land.

Hope this helps.

PS Can you post a craft file or screenshots?

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I know this may be a stupid question, but can you use parachutes on the moon? Please don\'t be mean

XD parachutes need air, and the moon has no air. parachutes create drag when the wind goes into them.

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Yep. No atmosphere, no parachutes. For braking, I recommend either the tiny engine (LVT-909, I believe) or a crapload of RCS. In fact, I\'ve seen people return to Kerbin with two RCS tanks and eight stock RCS thrusters. However, that\'s for experts, and I recommend giving yourself a fair amount of room for error. Remember; practice makes perfect.

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I know this may be a stupid question, but can you use parachutes on the moon? Please don\'t be mean

No. Parachutes work with the air drag, as you probably already know space is vacuum so parachutes won\'t help. If you try to open a parachute it is not going to open because it lacks the pressure. Try to kill your horizontal speed to land on the mun. As you get close to the surface adjust your vertical velocity so you can touch down safely. I always make a circular orbit around 10km then descent (not fuel efficient but safer).

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