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OK Go - Upside Down & Inside Out


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38 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

This has to be edited like crazy. There's no way you can achieve weightlessness for that long on one go. But I don't see any visible cuts. I saw one maybe. Just a really good job I guess.

You can't.

Here's a longer article on the same thing. They said they did it in one take, but you should only take that to mean "we left the camera running the whole time." They only had 27 s of weightlessness at a time, so they cut the 5-minute recovery periods out and smoothed them over using a computer. The spots this happens are fairly obvious if you know to look for them: everyone is in their seats or standing holding on to stuff, and all the balls are on the floor. If you look at the people at those moments, the movement seems a little awkward, almost like somebody did a subtle "impossible match on action" cut - because they did. The fact that they used a camera rig that was fixed between shots and only had a single degree of freedom helped a lot.


EDIT: I just watched it in HD, rather than on my phone, and it's not as obvious as I thought. They did a really good job. But it still is obvious where the cuts should be, because the gravity's back.

Edited by pincushionman
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