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The Saga of Lunar 11


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Good news and bad news.


The good news is I've gotten in a lot of practice of the finer points of Kerbal. The bad news is it's been all in a massive attempt to rescue Crew A from the surface of the Mun.

As I mentioned in my report about Luna 10's mishaps, my next plan was to attempt to land two ships, Lunar 11 and lunar 12, on the Mun at the same time.

Unfortunately, upon landing, Lunar 11 came down at a bad angle and lost it's engine. I could have simply reverted, but no, I had to do the macho thing and try to rescue the Jeb, Bob and Bill.

First I attempted to land an Emergency Crew Return Vehicle ("ECRV", an automatic version of my direct Assent lunar ship). I was able to drop the ECRV, with some considerable effort, about 12KM away from where Lunar 11 landed. I then spent about three days designing and testing some sort of rover develry system that would be able to get the boys from their stuck command module to the rescue ship. Each and every attempt ended in disaster. Then I decided to just have them walk.

When I realized how slow they moved, I had to make plan C.

after trial and error, I finally had something that world work. The "ECRV Super Heavy", the same craft with a few tweaks, launched from the bigger and stronger Moho Six booster.

All said and done, with a massive amount of mid landing course corrections, my final landing... 1.6 KM from Lunar 11! Walking distance! almost as good as Pete Conrad.


Now I just need to get the crew to the other ship and off we go.


Edited by KamenRiderzero1
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