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Getting freezes when decoupled stage hits ground or ocean nearby ._.

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This is probably a no-brainer, as I am playing with the windows 64bit-workaround.  But this probably might show up in unmodded/32bit as well. The game runs fine with low parts count and I've been playing sandbox for a very long time (including unexpected disassemblies and whatnots close to KSC). 

But meh Q_Q... I started a new career mode game and obviously have to start off with very short pocket rockets and early staging. However, when I decouple a stage and that discarded stage hits the ocean or ground, the game locks up ;/. Not sure if this is due to some debris memory leak. Will of course try to play with no staging, but staging is clearly essential to things throughout the game. 

I'm guessing this is a common issue that had shown up in the past? 

I am well aware of the 64bit-workaround being frowned upon and I may revert to the 32bit version. But I wanted be sure if there was magic tweak one could do or whatever is causing this :)

Thanks for any advice! 

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