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Help with jet design in Realism Overhaul / FAR

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I'm having a terrible time designing planes in KSP with realism overhaul / FAR etc installed. Even though I try to follow the plane design instructions posted here on the forums to the tee, I can't seem to get my planes off the runway. Every time I try to take off, my plane's landing gears collide with the runway and break when I reach enough speed, even though it seems that the plane doesn't even lift off. Any tweaks with the design don't seem to fix this issue, what could I be doing wrong?

I can post some pictures of the design later, but has anyone had the same problem and how did you go about fixing it? Or are there any good tips regarding general plane design in RO/FAR etc.

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Without screenshots I can only speculate, but i had a similar issue in the past where planes would just pick up speed till the end of the runway and not be able to take of. My problem was, that my plane with all Wings and stuff was perfectly level with the ground, so I did not get enough uplift to take of. 
The second possibility i can think of without a screenshot is that you may not have enough lift all together for the plane to take of. 

This is all speculation, if you can post a few Screenshots I/we could help you a lot better

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Hmm the design looks ok, enough lift and thrust.

I think it may really be the "buggy" runway. I do the "drive to the grass and start from there so naturally in my games because the first one is so uneven, that i hadn't thought about it. 

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