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Wait, nobody in Squad knows how to make a delta patch?


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if what KasperVld said is true,


the KSP store is not set up to provide itinerary updates like Steam is: Steam only re-downloads the files that were changed between builds. Instead on the KSP store, every user would have to download an archive that is about 1.1GB(bolded by me), and that could happen once or twice per day just to stay up to date. Imagine that 5000 users download on average 10 builds of KSP over the two weeks. A quick amount of math indicates that we're dealing with 5000 * 12 * 1.1GB = 66 TeraBytes worth of bandwidth, and that is a very conservative estimate if you ask me.

So, nobody in Squad knows how to make a delta patch and make players download whole game when every new version came out?(I bought in steam, so I don't know) that's... unexpected.

there are programs make delta patch for you, like git-diff or What I found in first page of google.

or just upload changed files in zip and unpack it in ksp folder in order.

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Squad has historically avoided patches, that's why there was a patcher.

Also with the changes to KSP for 1.1 the first patch would be rather large.

So there's no plans for individual patches, sorry.

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