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How do you convert moles of compound to moles of an specific element?


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If you have 10 cartons of eggs and there are 6 eggs in each carton. How many eggs do you have?
If you have 12.04 mol of C3H8 and there are 3 carbon atoms in each propane molecule. How many mol carbon do you have?

Sorry but this is VERY basic chemistry. If you think you know enough chemistry to be doing calculations with mols you really should know this.

Edited by Tex_NL
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26 minutes ago, Nightside said:

Apply the power of Stoichometry!

12.04 mol C3H6 = 3*12.04 mol C = 36.12 mol C

This. A mole is just a number of atoms. So if you have 12.04 moles of propylene, then those 12.04 moles contain 36.12 moles of carbon atoms.

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What they said.

You can just replace "moles" with "millions" if that makes it easier to grasp. It's a number. Just be sure to replace "millions" with "moles" again at the end. 

A mole just happens to be approximately the number of hydrogen atoms in one gram of hydrogen, and since all elemental masses are roughly multiples of hydrogen's mass, using this number allows for some simplification of the math. 

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