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modded part not working

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Hey im jereth new to modding in ksp but not modeling. 

Anyways ive sofar made 2 parts for my mod firs one a wing is saddly high poly but works fine 

Its the second one im having trouble with im using an modified square wing with a cut out for a pair of elevon 4s eventually i aim to integrate the control surfaces.


Anyways i written the part and modifing an appropriate config to fit my needs for now . and it can be placed rotated offset and such but when i go to remove it i can not. Left clicking wont work and the peice is still "solid" not like its disconnected any ideas 


Written from phone so forgive grammatical errors.

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 I told it to generate a mesh colider maybe i didnt click convex ill check thanks. Any idea on the odd scaling issue im having .cinema 4d is setcup to use meters but when i import to unity it need to be scaled to 12.5 percent to fit in with ksp .125 using scale factor this oddity also makes using box coliders more challenging.

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Large scaled models are no problem. If you're uncomfortable using large scale factors on gameobjects, there's also an import scale factor you can enter right in the asset file's inspector window in unity. This is very useful, and IMO you should use that and avoid rescaling gameobjects of a KSP part. One good way to check if the size of your model is correct is to spawn a default sphere, which is 1m in diameter by default, you can use that to compare the size to your model.

Is the clicking problem solved with your updated colliders?

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Ive been out but i wanted to ask you some questions since according to rover we both use c4d ill make a post listing my questions and if you could answer id appreciate it


My scalling issue seems to be 1 meter in c4d equates to 10 or more in unity 

I wanted to know if thats something you had or if something's off

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It's not an issue at all, you just need to figure out and remember exactly what's going on and use the right scale factors in the right places consitently. Scale also seems to depend on export file format. It exports DAE at 100x scale for example while FBX exports as 1x scale. Just import it to unity and check the size using sphere like I described above, then enter scale factor in the inspector window of the model file as necessary. That's IMO the simplest way

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ok i try redoing the collider still nothing also tried animating a control surface and it looked like it was right but nothing i include links to the zip with the mu the .c4d and the config im using 

also it seems to have culed some faces from the model, size is right but if it cant be grabbed and removed its no good

lastly how do i make it have connection points on the side also 

help me someone please




i double checked collider it was correct and these immages might help explain the issue

Edited by jerethdatiger
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Hi, just dl'd  your file to see if i could assist, sadly I am unable to open c4d's in either unity or max, any chance you have an fbx version to hand?.

Couple of points, combined control surface require no animating, all it needs is to be correctly named and oriented, and the game code takes care of any movement. As already mentioned by PJ the scale isn't an issue , that can all be fixed in unity.

I think the trouble you are having is mainly due to the collider, as your part is high poly, there's a good chance that unity will create a high poly collider for it, this is an issue as colliders are not allowed to have more than 250 something faces, the part will still compile BUT it will not have a collider attached and is without a doubt going to spam the log with errors, check your log.

As your part is a simple shape I suggest doing the following.In C4d, with your model in viewport, create a box that has 3 divisions top and bottom, drag this cube over your model and manipulate until it forms a shell around your wing , as closely matching the shape of your wing as possible. As you have allowed a cut out for your ctrl surface. I would end  this shell on the edge on which  the ctrl surface will be  attached . Once this is done , make the shell a child of the wing part, name the shell wing_Collider or something,  save and export to unity

In unity you should now have your wing part with it's child shell, check the scale, adjust to suit, and drag wing into the hierarchy. This is the clever bit really, select the wing_Collider and apply a mesh collider and check convex, Delete the mesh renderer and mesh filter components you should now have a working collider. did a quick test based on your pictures and a collider with only 82 polys is easily possible I've included an image for reference.

If your wing is aligned with the base at zero, the attachment point in your cfg should be valid plus you'll need something like  this In order to place an attachment node  for the control surface  in the cut out provided

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.617101, -0.3105965, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0





In the image the purple mesh is the simplest collider possible, but reduces wing area,  the red and  green meshes illustrate the most optimal arrangement  , extra colliders also children of the main part


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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3 hours ago, jerethdatiger said:

Ill upload a 3ds max format and thank you for your input ill give it a try


.fbx format


if you can please wlk me through the makin an intrgraded ocntrol surface using the file thanks

Too late I exported the mu, and ran that through max and  unity, here's the working file so you can take a look at how its put together, all working in game , though the lift is very high for the size of the part


Lots of good tutorials listed in addon development links, explain it far better than i could




Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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2 minutes ago, jerethdatiger said:

So i need to reduce lift but lift is a function of air pressure and surface area and thanks ill have a look

Nope it's purely a function of this module

		name = ModuleLiftingSurface
		useInternalDragModel = True
		deflectionLiftCoeff = 1	
		dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
		dragAtMinAoA = 0.0



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