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Extra EVA's (Fuel Hoses / Construction)

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Hello everyone,


For a long time I have desired more advanced EVA's including things like in-space construction / repairs and having flexible fuel hoses.  I'll explain more below:

In-space Construction / Repairs:

- Could Kerbals have little welding torches so you could send parts or small modules up to orbit then Kerbalnauts could weld them into place for example.  (This I imagine would be very advanced but just food for thought)


Flexible Fuel Hoses:

- This is more for on planetary / moon surfaces where you could connect 2 craft by a flexible hose for the purposes of fuel transfer instead of having to dock.  I thought this could be possible by adding a 'Fuel Nozzle' part that you add to your craft in the VAB, then when your Kerbalnauts go EVA and approach a nozzle they get the option to 'Connect Hose'.  The Kerbalnaut then walks over to another fuel nozzle and connects the other end within a determined range of coarse.  (I really want this one for purposes of on surface refueling bases)


Thanks for reading :)

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we already have a mod(s) for this, KIS and KAS. it allows you to place struts and fuel lines in space and send parts up in containers to build things. You should check it out in the add ons section library 

It would be nice to see it stock, especially the aspect of placing struts in space, but this is in the mod relm for now.

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Yep, there's a mod for that, and it honestly should be stock. Many make claims about all kinds of mods needing to be stock, but KIS/KAS actually allows the kerbals that Squad went to all the trouble to create/animate actually useful, instead of click EVA, click report, click board.

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I had a rover mishap (because real vehicles tumble at low speeds from their gyro all the time ;) ), and I was a very tedious distance from my lander to walk/RCS 20km?). My engineer ended up making it a functional ti-wheel, with some mass moved as a counterweight.

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10 hours ago, tater said:

I had a rover mishap (because real vehicles tumble at low speeds from their gyro all the time ;) ), and I was a very tedious distance from my lander to walk/RCS 20km?). My engineer ended up making it a functional ti-wheel, with some mass moved as a counterweight.


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On 3/10/2016 at 0:53 PM, NEBx said:


Flexible Fuel Hoses:

- This is more for on planetary / moon surfaces where you could connect 2 craft by a flexible hose for the purposes of fuel transfer instead of having to dock.  I thought this could be possible by adding a 'Fuel Nozzle' part that you add to your craft in the VAB, then when your Kerbalnauts go EVA and approach a nozzle they get the option to 'Connect Hose'.  The Kerbalnaut then walks over to another fuel nozzle and connects the other end within a determined range of coarse.  (I really want this one for purposes of on surface refueling bases)


Thanks for reading :)

I was thinking about this but I think that's just needless graphics and time spent walking around.  I would make the fuel hose virtual instead--if you're close enough to the "hose" component that it could reach it simply works, no need to make us drag the hose out.

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Would be great to have tethers that attach to your ship.  Would make EVA a little less of a pain to traverse the ship and access items/vehicles in cargo bays. I hate having to put ladders all over the outside of my ship. 

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I'd go farther and wish for an AI kerbal toggle. Then you'd have certain sets of tasks they would do on their own. Engineers would repack chutes, or repair stuff. Scientists could wander around and collect samples, etc. It would add a lot of atmosphere.

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4 hours ago, tater said:

I'd go farther and wish for an AI kerbal toggle. Then you'd have certain sets of tasks they would do on their own. Engineers would repack chutes, or repair stuff. Scientists could wander around and collect samples, etc. It would add a lot of atmosphere.

YES! Actual crew/station management! You send out two engineers on the space walk, they fly around check and fix stuff while you do other stuff. I like the idea. It would make the stations feel way more alive and independent in a way.

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