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Bill and Jebs excellent adventure (KIS/KAS)

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Bill and Jeb are just two down on there luck guys.  Jeb crashed his last test craft and Mortimer finally canned him.  Bill was caught making hydrazine for personal use with company property and forced to resign.  However neither one of them want to spend the last of their days on kerbin.  As a requirement of Bills resignation he gets to design one final 18t craft for personal use.  Bill and Jeb launch into space to begin a life of Piracy.  Unfortunately Bill and Jeb are still good guys and don't want to hurt other kerbals so they are torn.  Bill realizes that there is so much space debris in orbit that there is no need to steal they have plenty of materials to build whatever they want.

Hall of Legends

Jetski put together a very nice Mission report that made this challenge look TOO easy here


-Using your current or most cluttered career

-Using KIS/KAS utilize space junk to explore the solar system.

-Abandoned stations with no kerbals aboard are fair game

-Fuel can be stolen from mining stations guilt free

-If you absolutely have to fuel can be stolen from active stations but Bill and Jeb will feel really bad.

-Any kerbals Bill and Jeb rescue first join Bill and Jeb.


Badge will be something along these lines but I want to change the skull to look kerbal and of course the bones are going to be replaced with Kickbacks.  Possibly curved text I am not sure if it will look good.  If anyone want to submit a badge will also make  the hall of Legends.



There will be no leader board however there will be a Hall of Legends

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I'm in.


Edit: I'm really having trouble putting together a good save file for this.  Generally I fly my missions with a minimum of debris, and I don't leave a lot in orbit.  Any chance you have a good savegame to share?

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@Jetski Ha ha I will have an ok one but I plan on continuing the career while I play them as well.  Unfortunately I am playing with TAC life support so if you don't have that installed I am not sure what will happen to craft with LS parts.  Sadly I am waiting for Jeb and Bill to get back from Duna.  They will finish off the science tree which will obsolete a lot of equipment.  Right now it is looking like 3 Kerbal stations, 2 Mun stations, 1 Minimus, ike and gilly station, 1 refinery on Minimus, ike and gilly 5-8 contract satellites 20-40 boosters in orbit.  Sadly I don't see Jeb ever getting his hands on a Rapier or RCS thruster blocks as I never really use them.  At least the has to be 500 reaction wheels out there lol


Once I get them back and replace outdated hardware I will share my file.

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Here's a Dropbox link to a savegame

I have stations/miners/probes/etc around most stuff.  I literally just burned through a career on Easy just for fun, leaving as much reusable junk in orbit as possible.  I have KER installed along with KIS and KAS, probably need all 3 to run right unless you want to edit out the KER part I put on a few ships early career.

No debris to be found, you're on your own for that, but it shouldn't be hard to edit some if you that's how you roll.  Tech tree is done, about 900K funds, some XP on Jeb and Bill.

My mission begins tomorrow.

Space Pirates!


Edit: Wow! 4shared is a major scam.  Major malware/ads/crap and couldn't actually get to the file.  Hadn't used them before. Back to Dropbox it is.  Let me know if that link doesn't work.

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Got the first installment here as a Mission Report.  Jeb and Bill have successfully made orbit (barely) by hitting the emergency "Wings Fall Off" button, and pirated a little low-tech LKO station.  With the fuel and new parts they were able to scavenge, they then raided the giant Mun Orbital Station.  They politely left the habitation ring alone, but stole some ladders, Gigantors, and the entire fuel dump and engine section of the station.  Bill cleverly strapped the entire lower level of the station to the back of their ship after finding out he and Jeb couldn't lift a NERVA out of the engine pods (too heavy).  After some fun strapping things together, they realized they had a near perfect transfer to Duna direct from Munar orbit, and are now in interplanetary space heading to raid the Duna and Ike colonies.  Muhahaha!



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Ha ha that is awesome. I am doing my eve transfer now then fast forward until Jeb and bill are back on kerbin.  Good decision taking off with a rappier it is the only way they would probably get one as the are always recovered in the program

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Part 2 posted here.  Jeb and Bill plunder the mining colonies on Ike and Duna.  Bill pulls off the Duna landing with a makeshift lander built from parts scrounged from the Ike mining camp!  Waiting now for a window to Dres, and a quick raid on the Dresteroid miners

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Part 3 is here.  Wandering among the Dresteroids and heading for the Outer Rim!  The Klack Pearl wanders among the Dresteroids, steals an entire mining craft to strap on as a booster, then when it's drained Bill tears it apart and builds a little RCS Klaw tug to strap to the stern.  Coming up on a Jool intercept next, Jeb heard there was a large orbital station in very high orbit out past of Pol!

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Conclusion is here.  Bill and Jeb explore the moons of Jool in various craft, raid a Bop mining rig and Jool Station, and set up their pirate hideout at a secret location.  The Klack Pearl lurks, ready to pillage any unwary spacecraft that may pass through the system!

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@Jetski Kind of sad it is coming to an end.  I loved the solar sail.  If I was scoring these you would get 9 treasure chests, a peg leg and a parrot.  Added you to the Wall of honor.  Sorry I didn't do it sooner

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6 hours ago, Nich said:

@Jetski Kind of sad it is coming to an end.  I loved the solar sail.  If I was scoring these you would get 9 treasure chests, a peg leg and a parrot.  Added you to the Wall of honor.  Sorry I didn't do it sooner

Thanks, I enjoyed this challenge so much I changed my profile pic.  Also, while I was doing bad Paint, here's a new badge!


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