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Powered Radiator Expansion.


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so, anybody who uses KSPI knows the pain of waste heat, and nuclear engine users know all about the melting; and don't forget about those high performance scram-jets that get redder than the atmospheric burn around your ship.  There are a few good radiator packs out there, but i find they're not very... effective.
I'm attempting to make a system that uses electricity (or MW at a higher level), radiators, and air vents, to do high performance cooling for engines, reactors, etc. obviously getting rid of waste heat as well.

working on implementing the following parts:
- An Engine precooler that also converts physical heat (from a directly attached engine) into waste heat. useful for atmospheric nozzles/turbojets. (1.25, 2.5, mk2. requires electricity.)
- A Heat Pump that sucks up heat and waste heat, and redirects it to radiators. (it cools the attached parts significantly, and subtracts a constant amount of waste heat while running. heat will be converted to waste heat. (1.25, 2.5, 3.75) requires MW or eqiv charge)(requires radiators attached to part to run)
- A powered vent (basically an engine with no thrust) that cools the attached part and subtracts waste heat depending on the temperature and amount of air added. ideally connected to a precooler and air intake. (0.625(rear), 1.25(rear and inline), mk2(inline). would have two models for 1.25/mk2; one requiring electric charge, one with waaay more power that requires MW (it might have an KSPI arc-jet RCS that only works with atmosphere.). both would count as radiators.

these are the missing parts for making reliable heavy SSTO's, or anything with a powerful hot engine.

I'm totally imagining these parts just using the stock squad models (and the mk2's expansions precooler)

Right now this is no more than jumbled text in a cfg file using stock fuel tanks for parts...

Btw, I put this under development because i very well intend to do this myself one i figure out how.
any and all help/direction appreciated.

Edited by Rushligh
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