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how do radiator/active radiator modules work?


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im trying to create a unique set of heat pumps and am having difficulty finding information on how the KSP radiator modules work.

It's easy enough to convert electricity into a resource to act as an abalator, (what one cooling systems pack does), but i'd like to know the radiators full inner workings etc.

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A lot of that can be observed ingame if you hit Alt+F12 and go to physics -> thermal and check "show debug info in menus".

Very briefly, heat in KSP works like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Yes, that is the brief version :P I don't know all the details myself. Good luck in your endeavour...

Edited by Streetwind
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Mostly correct - other than the purpose of core heat, which is to provide mechanics for a much wider range of internal temperatures that would blow up things if used as a normal part temp.  Consider a book sitting on top of your laptop.  The book gets warm because of the conductive heat from the laptop (this would be akin to the internal temp of the laptop bleeding into it's skin temp and transferring to the book).  Core temp would be like putting your finger directly on the CPU sans heat sink - i.e. a LOT hotter.  Another example (and closer to what we use for KSP) would be something like an arc furnace - which can cook at 2000-3000 degrees Kelvin (i.e. a temperature where a lot of parts get all glowy and start going poof!).  

Most of core heat is assumed to dissipate in exhaust and leavings, and is heavily insulated by the part itself.  Hence why it works on a completely different level than your basic conductivity/radiative/convective thermal stuff.  It affects it, and can be affected by it, but we have tools for managing it effectively, including overheating and thermal efficiency, without having to artificially lower it to avoid exploding your parts.


(source:  I wrote it ;))

Edited by RoverDude
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hmm, that is all in theory correct. i do have 'deadly re-entry' installed as a requirement for KSPI: which changes the way heat is transferred and dissipated (in a very irritating way)

what I've been TRYING to do is make a powered inline cooling unit that consumes MW. using abalator no longer works on heat generated by parts (because of DR's heat mechanic)
aside of writing and compiling some c# scripts, is there a way to manage heat in this fashion? can a fuel have a temperature/conduct heat?

I've seen that exposing a part to an intake of cold air DOES make a difference. example:
Using Insanity's mk precooler part as an intake, i gave it the thermal transfer module for KSPI to act as a bridge for thermal engines. gave it an active radiator module, etc. i basically copied the inline radiator into that part and removed the intake module. it acted slightly better, however the body that the reactors were attached to over heated fast.

i then put the intake module back in, and not only sis the main body NOT overheat, the thermal engines took twice as long to over heat.

i tried this same thing with a very hot nuclear rocket in atmosphere and the results were the same.

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Is there an easy way of tapping into the heat drawing mechanism of the active radiators? I'm thinking about making a geothermal cooling mod that would allow for much more powerful and efficient cooling while landed by using the surface as a heat sink. I'd rather not re-invent the wheel and code cooling logic from scratch if I could just make a child class of the active radiators and call some sort of draw heat method if that's possible instead.

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