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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When in a flight the captain announces you're at 11 km and the only things you can think are, "That sunset looks exactly like it does in KSP" and "Late for gravity turn."
And you hope he doesnt turn too quick for his velocity bubble.
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When you are sitting in a classroom and imagining a tiny rover descending all the way from the ceiling to a desk somewhere.

When you watch "Gravity" and get annoyed at things that arent possible!

You mean when you watch it and go "Pfft, that's a GOOD day at KSP, what's all the fuss about?"

My personal one would be when you have piles of A4 filled with maths and rough sketches of "ingenious" rocket ideas scrawled in the backs of envelopes, to the point your flatmates and family think you're planning on threatening the world with a home-made ballistic missile.

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You may try to check forums only once a day (same for Facebook and other webpages) or less... this should help a bit.

Ordinarily I do. Sometimes I check the usual stuff twice if I have school or something - once before or during lunch, once in the evening. But... ARM patch! ARM PATCH!!! Gah.

Oh, and my boss at work thinks I'm trying to create some kind of missile every time he catches me checking the forum. xD I'm not sure he quite gets video games.

When you take time out of your day to explain the kraken to somebody.

Done that. In fact I recently blamed the Kraken for a problem I was having with a programming project - one that had literally nothing to do with physics, Space, or KSP.

When you are sitting in a classroom and imagining a tiny rover descending all the way from the ceiling to a desk somewhere.

I used to do that in middle school. In fact I had a whole headcanon about this sci-fi universe that happened to almost perfectly match the shapes of the desks, pencils, lunchboxes, etc. (Lunch boxes were freighter ships, pencils were missiles, desks were hangars/landing pads/the ground, trash cans were giant incinerators with black holes inside)

Edited by parameciumkid
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I used to do that in middle school. In fact I had a whole headcanon about this sci-fi universe that happened to almost perfectly match the shapes of the desks, pencils, lunchboxes, etc. (Lunch boxes were freighter ships, pencils were missiles, desks were hangars/landing pads/the ground, trash cans were giant incinerators with black holes inside)

I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one :)

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When lurking the forums instead of studying or spending time with the family. Or thinking about what to do for 110 days game time while waiting for a transfer window instead of actually studying.

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You know you play to much KSP when you start day dreaming in class about how your next KSP Mission.... All the time

You know you plat to much KSP that when your running you make sure you turn your head in the right direction to get enough "Intake Air".... I did this in a 5k yesterday....

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You know you play too much KSP when you remember all the planets and moons in the Kerbol system from memory and can't remember a single planet from the Sol system (our solar system)

ALMOST fell to this one.:confused:

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  • 3 weeks later...

When you try to calculate the Delta-V your car has instead of how many miles are left in the gas tank.

Alternatively, when you attempt to figure out how many Orange Tanks it would take to get said car into a 100 km orbit.


Also, when you start to wonder if your car has a descent lifting body or if it would need wings or if you should just install Ferram Aerospace already and start playing around with the fairings.

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Zekes, that's nice! I also have an urge to do that, but no time! & Beeburgers, GOOD ONE... xD

I got another one,

One morning when I was waking up, I was trying to remember whether I'm in a stable orbit, to know it's safe enough for me to EVA from my bed and go take a wee... xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you've played too much KSP when you're daydreaming about women and suddenly, for a moment, you think "how the hell do you put rocket engines inside a [female reproductive organ] anyway?".

I hope this moment of confusion in my head was worth the necro.

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