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Null Ref spam

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Hi, today I noticed that I was starting to get a big hit in FPS during gameplay usually a few mins after a launch. I took a look at the debug menu and saw I was getting thrown Nullrefs left right and center. I am wondering if anyone is able to point me in the right direction to fixing it.  Yesterday I think it was ok and can't not for the life of me remember changing anything. 

Windows Install  with 64bit work around ( I know I might not get support if its a mod)

here is the link to my output log

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This looks like the same issue as mentioned in these threads:

Basically, your vessel has a part that contains a resource that is not defined (or is defined badly).  In those threads the problem was with "PunchCards" which was apparently left behind by an old version of MKS.

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Yeah I already looked through that, and while I have MKS it is up to date, on a new(ish) save (2 weeks?) and I have no mention of Punchcards in my saves. Further adds to my confused state :) As I can not for the life of me think of a resource orientated mod that I had uninstalled lately. 



Edited by rakol
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Well, I would suggest searching through the save file for all instances of RESOURCE and seeing what is used.  This may take a while.  Then you can look in the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file in GameData for the RESOURCE_DEFINITION blocks installed by your mods to find out what is missing.

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Yeah doing it as you posted as I finally understood what you meant in your first post (must not use forums when tired and annoyed with games). 

If all else fails I will just try a new game as I am not too far into this one anyways. 

Thanks for the directions :)

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