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Squadcast Summary (2016/03/24) - 1.1 hype edition


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Late in writing this up because of other commitments, the hype has been flowing around this squadcast for a couple of days now and with good cause. If you watch one squadcast, this would be the one to watch. The archived stream can be found at https://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts and is split in two - the first at ~40m long, the second (due to a midstream reboot) at ~30m.

Squadcast this week featured Kasper, DrTurkey, and regular KSPTV streamer EJ.



Stream One

3m first sight of v1.1.0.1164 (x64) in the wild

5m settings screen has been rejigged, looks like more controller options. Sandbox, Science, or Career remain the three modes.

5m stream starting a new sandbox save

6m Main mission control view now has icon shortcuts to buildings (although mission control icon may be missing - chat notes that mission control is closed in sandbox)

8m first sight of the asteroid day probe core, solar panels and antenna in stock 1.1

11m some KSPTV streamers will be allowed from Saturday (today) to begin livestreaming 1.1

11m in the VAB we see (I think) a slightly different engine shroud on skipper engine? No sign of deltav calculation.

12m clamshell fairing option demonstrated, number of sides can be set for 2/3/4 leaf clamshells

13m confirmation that cargo inside fairings is invisibly autostrutted

13m launch of a 2.5m rocket, no fins, carrying a satellite largely made up of asteroid day parts

14m KSPedia has an icon in the VAB

15m aero overlay shows fairing bug seems fixed. Rocket begins flipping out, but not as much as one might expect for an unfinned similar rocket in 1.0.5

16m against all Squadcast tradition kasper shows extreme piloting skills to recover the flip and carries on his trajectory

20m orbit splines show thicker before the craft than in front

21m note tweaked atmospheric shaders - nathan has been doing a lot of work here

22m performance seems good considering kasper says stream is running from a laptop with a gazzilion other tabs open

23m probe enters Mun SOI and Kasper sets up for a polar orbit

23m talk about the antenna range rework delayed and not in 1.1, EJ: "we know that got moved to the next update... potentially next update, I'm not saying for certain"

25m kasper deploys narrow band scanner, but as no survey scan has been performed no data is available

27m the stock rover+skycrane is loaded up (sans skycrane) to demo the new wheels

28m rover seems less flip happy than I'd expect. Wheel options are extensive

29m confirmation the twin boar engine now provides roll control

30m confirmation tutorials have been rewritten and new ones added

31m now launching a new stock plane (Mallard) to show wheel suspension on a heavier vehicle

32m cockpit cutaways demonstrated

32m hovering over crew portraits gives info on specialisation and skill levels, can customise number of portraits to display

34m safe to assume that pretty much every mod will need updating

35m extensive running at 4x physical warp and plane looked steady, not as wobbly and eratic as I would expect

35m coming into land on island runway

36m buzzes the island tower which now seems to have a light

37m turns around makes landing... of sorts. There were survivors.

38m nose landing gear failed to extend on landing (there was some lag with it compared to rears on takeoff)

39m believe that antennas can now be manually extended (previously after data transmission they couldn't), but not 100% sure on that

40m mobile labs have been overhauled (think arsonide went into detail on this in an earlier devnotes)

41m frame rates suffering due to other laptop issues, kasper is going to reboot and start a new stream.


Stream Two

0m ANOTHER SQUAD DOGGIE! (EJ's I think) makes a mic appearance

1m launching the stock dynawing and showing 85fps on the launchpad

3m at 7500m showing 95fps, SQUAD DOGGIE 2 barks approval

4m EJ is sending over a monster .craft file to show performance ~500 parts

6m ~500 parts on launchpad, on a laptop, running 35fps

7m 25fps at launch with a LOT of boosters firing

10m 60km up, 110+fps

13m now loading up a 629part monster in the VAB, 53fps

14m taking a while to load onto launchpad though

15m actually may have crashed KSP, so restart

17m yeah, this craft file looks to have crashed KSP a second time

18m nope, it's loaded!

19m launch is.... laggy.

19m Kasper to EJ "you have really sabotaged our attempt to show off 1.1!"

20m launch! - and it looks quite smooth, lag may be related to seperation of craft (ie in this instance multi hundred part launch tower and multi hundred part rocket) into seperate threads

23m laptop specs this is being run on: i7-6700hq, 2.6ghz, nvidia gtx960m gpu w/4gb vram, 16gb ram

25m ~40fps at 70km, still several hundred parts

27m re release time frame.... don't have an exact time frame, but this saturday KSPTV live streamers are allowed to show 1.1

28m so no release date yet, but progress

31m fin

Edited by MiniMatt
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I think the biggest "WOW" moment for me was the physics lag in combination to the FPS on screen. Even while they launched this 700 parts (?) monstrosity the time passed ingame was at about 80% realtime or so? You now can launch bigger crafts without spending 20 minutes for tiny Kerbin orbit ascents! 

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  On 3/26/2016 at 11:04 AM, Theysen said:

I think the biggest "WOW" moment for me was the physics lag in combination to the FPS on screen. Even while they launched this 700 parts (?) monstrosity the time passed ingame was at about 80% realtime or so? You now can launch bigger crafts without spending 20 minutes for tiny Kerbin orbit ascents! 


Yep, there were definitely some pauses around separation (and I expect this to be an area for optimisation) but it was certainly smooth in normal running, far more so than I was hoping for. MET timer was ticking one second for every 1 and a bit seconds in real life - under 1.0.5 some craft will see that ratio be 1 to 5 or worse.

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  On 3/26/2016 at 11:00 AM, Donziboy2 said:




not liking the new forum layout.....  I want my preview button back


Umm...has the schedule been posted anywhere by Squad yet?

edit: I mean, on the official forums, official website, or official twitch page?

edit:  Sorry.  It's morning and I'm cranky.  I just think a retweet being the only schedule is weird.

Edited by klgraham1013
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  On 3/26/2016 at 11:04 AM, Theysen said:

I think the biggest "WOW" moment for me was the physics lag in combination to the FPS on screen. Even while they launched this 700 parts (?) monstrosity the time passed ingame was at about 80% realtime or so? You now can launch bigger crafts without spending 20 minutes for tiny Kerbin orbit ascents! 


Oooooor it means we can launch even bigger ships to try and break that 20 minute mark! :D 

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