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Two tenths of a ton...


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So, one of my personal KSP quests has been to build a single-engine SSTO to visit Laythe. I've built two and four engine Laythe landers, but they're so heavy, they need a big, expensive transfer stage. As just a check to make sure it can do it, I create one that can SSTO on Kerbin, then I launch a transfer stage later, and a refueler.

I first designed this in Sandbox, and made sure it worked, and it did. Then I transferred it over to my career mode, made a few minor changes, and tried to launch it. But while I could get it into orbit in Sandbox, I just couldn't manage it in Career, despite several tries.

First I thought it must be that Jed was a 5-star pilot in Sandbox, but only a 2-star in my career, so the better piloting must have been modeled somehow in fuel usage, but no, it doesn't seem that it is. When I transferred this (slightly modified!) craft back to Sandbox, it no longer could make it there either.

In frustration, I checked the two versions, and found that the new one was a mere .3 tons heavier than the old one. That's how close this was, for a 9.5 ton vehicle. I got rid of a couple of intakes, and a reaction wheel, and a bit of fuel, getting rid of .2 tons, and launched again, and lo and behold, it made it into orbit - barely. 14 m/s of fuel left. :)

That's all it finally took... two tenths of a ton. Two percent of the launch weight.


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I think if you switch to the micro landing leg you will still be able to land just fine, and you will save more weight.

If you switch to a 3-wing design (with two in an upward V and the 3rd pointing straight down, and moving the juno to that 3rd wing) -- that might save you a fair bit more, while still being flyable. But you'd lose some lift, so that's iffy, I admit.

But you could get back your fuel and your reaction wheel.

Edited by bewing
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10 hours ago, bewing said:

I think if you switch to the micro landing leg you will still be able to land just fine, and you will save more weight.

If you switch to a 3-wing design (with two in an upward V and the 3rd pointing straight down, and moving the juno to that 3rd wing) -- that might save you a fair bit more, while still being flyable. But you'd lose some lift, so that's iffy, I admit.

I don't think I'd trust the micro legs. Remember it lands fully fueled, so it's pretty heavy. Even with these legs I like to use some jet thrust to soften the landing.

The three-wing design is certainly worth looking into.

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