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Need help with blender, and exporting parts.

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Ok, so I decided I wanted to make my own capsule in blender. I got her all looking purty, mapped the uv and exported it. Made a collision mesh and mapped it and renamed it to 'collider_node' set both with a material and exported. Then i spent about 30 mins cursing while trying to get ksp to load to no avail. Any ideas what I did wrong?

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It is loading indefinitely ? You can compare your part to my part and you can tell me the differences ! My part can be put in the rocket building scene, but not removed and the collision is (the inner top i think is wrong and you will see if you will open my model).


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It is loading indefinitely ? You can compare your part to my part and you can tell me the differences ! My part can be put in the rocket building scene, but not removed and the collision is (the inner top i think is wrong and you will see if you will open my model).


loading indefinitly, cant even make it to the ksc lol

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I cannot make a single model work and i don\'t know why is not possible to import and open with blender another user model for example, to see why i do wrong. Working alone will get me someplace eventually in the future...

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I cannot make a single model work and i don\'t know why is not possible to import and open with blender another user model for example, to see why i do wrong. Working alone will get me someplace eventually in the future...

You need to edit the DAE files before importing into Blender. Here try using these tutorials




Try reading these and see if they help at all. If you need further help feel free to message me and I\'ll try my best to help you figure it out.

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