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Change vessel type from Tracking Station

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EDIT: This is actually already possible. Though it is a bit hidden.

I would very much appreciate if I could change the type of a vessel (debris, probe, ship, station, etc.) from the tacking station, instead of just from a vessels control module.

The problem I encountered is that I sometimes get uncontrollable debris (decouplers and stuff) labeled as a probe (for some reason). I cannot re-label them as they don't have control modules, meaning that they will crowd up my map screen, unless I disable visibility of ALL probes.

And I thought to myself: What's wrong with allowing renaming and re-labeling of vessels from the tracking station (or map screen for that matter)? Isn't it the guys at mission control, who decide, what a spacecraft is called and what it's classified as? Why does the craft itself need to have some specific part in order to allow them to call it by a different name?

Edited by MajorNr01
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  • 5 years later...

Not sure if it was the case 5 years ago or not, but now its
1. Select the vessel

2. Bring up teh vessel info panel

3. Double click the name on that info panel

Then you can change the name and the type, even if its (effectively) abandoned hardware from a rescue mission you've already completed.

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