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My Space Shuttle is uncontrollable in Space

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I am Neu in KSP and i Bild me an space shuttle. or Beder an SSTO.

The Problem is, if i made it in Space i cant Controle it! It wabels around. :(

Can anyone Help me?

KSP 1.0.5 Unmodded Windows Steam

Edited by Enki3l
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Thx for the fast Anser.

I can do wat i want, the Wings move but the "Firehawk" not! On Youtube i have seen everitime some trust from engings comming aut around, but not at my one!??

PS. Yes I Updated to 1.1 Prerelease. But the same Problem....

PPS.: 51.8M and 380.4t with 15t Carco.. (-:

Edited by Enki3l
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So, yes, the wings will move, since you have control surfaces on them... but that won't do anything in space, since there's no air for them to work with.

The main problem is that you don't have any way of turning your ship.  That's a huge ship, which means it will take a lot of torque to turn it around, but you've got practically nothing to do that with.

You can add reaction wheels, but you'll need a lot of them for a ship that size, and even so, it'll probably be very slow to turn.

Another option is to use RCS thrusters, which cost fuel but tend to be more effective for very large ships.  In particular, Vernor engines could come in handy, due to their relatively high thrust.

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You need to press the "R" key to toggle the RCS system on.  The thruster blocks should generally be in a symetrical layout, at the far ends of the craft (Torque and stuff:D)

When your press R, the RCS light on the Navball will turn green, and you will be able to control the RCS with WASD keys.

To turn RCSs back off (to save monoprop etc.) simply press the "R" key again.

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