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Ice Cap Diving


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Just discovered about now that there is no shoreline on Kerbin's ice caps. (Well there is but its like a mountain!).

Gonna have to make a diving board on wheels and put it up in the arctic, then my Kerbals can have a cold beach party!



Edited by jbterminator
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3 hours ago, jbterminator said:

Just discovered about now that there is no shoreline on Kerbin's ice caps. (Well there is but its like a mountain!).

Gonna have to make a diving board on wheels and put it up in the arctic, then my Kerbals can have a cold beach party!

Anyone already done this?


Wow, sounds like fun! Let Jeb grab his suicide shorts and he'll be there.

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This brought up a question in my head, do polar regions with ice have less grip than regular dirt or tarmac? I think it does, but then again, i don't spend 2 hours flying a plane to test that theory... yes i know hyper edit exists.

If it doesn't have less trip than they should add that to 1.2, with extra grip on roads and less on ice and sand

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20 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Only for a free hundred meters... But then you climb back up! ;) 

Modern science heresy...... careful... lest we judge ye to be a warlock.... Kerbin is the centre of the universe... all else revolves around it... the world is flat... you go off the edge, and ye fall for all eternity.... and please, you point out the contradiction in what I said, and we will be having our first wiccan trial... ye will be judged fairly... and then burned at the stake!

Ye can run, warlock.... but ye cannot hide....

Release the hounds.....



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2 hours ago, DiamondExcavater said:

*Uses HyperEdit to make Every THING Orbit KERBIN!!*

*cough* Ktolemy *cough*

2 hours ago, kiwi1960 said:

Modern science heresy...... careful... lest we judge ye to be a warlock.... Kerbin is the centre of the universe... all else revolves around it... the world is flat... you go off the edge, and ye fall for all eternity.... and please, you point out the contradiction in what I said, and we will be having our first wiccan trial... ye will be judged fairly... and then burned at the stake!

Ye can run, warlock.... but ye cannot hide....

Release the hounds.....



I be not a warlock, but a great pillowsphosper! :D

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21 hours ago, jbterminator said:

Gonna have to make a diving board on wheels and put it up in the arctic, then my Kerbals can have a cold beach party!

Anyone already done this?

As usual when gravity is involved, it's a lot easier to go down the cliff than up it.  However, a number of the El Cano participants have devised ingenious ways of scaling this cliff with rovers.  You should check out the old challenge thread.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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