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Blue Origin Thread (merged)


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With only a one second window, that means we will be back again on Friday (weather permitting).


  Tiberion said:
Man I knew when the Launch Director answered "stand by" when asked for final clearance @ -2:20 that they were gonna call a hold.

I heard that and thought "Uh oh!" but since they kept going, I figured I was imagining things.

Edited by VirtualCLD
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  Aningaaq said:
I had a feeling it wouldn't launch tonight. Don't know why I bothered when I could have watched the replay anyway.

It's like watching a football game that you taped, when everyone else already knows the score. It's not quite the same.

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Third time's a charm? Hopefully. Sadly, Elon Musk got everyone hyped up with his AMA on reddit. Of course he can't control everything but I bet he is very disappointed with this. Good luck to them on the 9th.

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Yes, an actuator drift malfunction in the thrust vectoring control system for stage 2. The malfunction would have prevented the second stage from operating inside the launch parameters. The first stage was ready and nominal for launch. It seems there could be a few, smaller malfunctions, which are being evaluated right now. Hopefully everything will be ready for Friday (10:09 GMT).

Countdown was interrupted at T-1 minute 21 seconds. There will be no post-scrub conference.

- - - Updated - - -

The Z-actuator, according to a tweet from Elon Musk

Edited by Frida Space
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  Frida Space said:

- - - Updated - - -

Dragon arrival at the Space Station now scheduled for Monday, Jan 12th at 6 am Eastern.

I hope that barge has flood lights on it... Gonna be landing blind (except for GPS, radar, etc). Or maybe the Falcon 9 should have landing lights.:D

EDIT: Also this is from SpaceX's twitter:


Edited by RocketPilot573
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huh, just checked the schedule for NASA TV, appearantly launch is postponed to saturday? Or maybe it's just timezones messing with me.

EDIT: nope, I wasn't wrong. Saturday at 3:30 am EST, 9:30 GMT (If I'm not mistaken)

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