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Bio Campaign Missions

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Herro! This is a campaign for Kerbal Space Program with five challenges, and, if successful, you will win the prize of you very own Humana-III rocket, plus the glory of wining! Here are the challenges! Note that you must complete at least 3 the campaign challenges to win! (the bonus challenge does not count toward your 3+ challenges you did)

Challenge 1: Orbit around Kerbin\'s polar caps and take pictures of each one, and be sure to get the WHOLE cap in one picture

Challenge 2: Fly a recon mission in a space plane and take at least 1 picture of KSC2

Challenge 3: Land on the Mun near the Arc or Munolith, take pictures

Challenge 4: Land on Minmus, take pictures of your landing site

Challenge 5: Orbit around Minmus and take pictures of the methane lakes. Show pictures of each lake


Challenge 6: with a space plane, fly over KSC2 and drop things like fuel tanks on to it. show pictures of the KSC2, you dropping the payload, and the payload exploding.

Complete these challenges and show your result in 1 post. You will be graded on how many challenges you did, and how successful you were. For bonus points, show pictures of you returning to Kerbin, or in the cases of KSC2, show pictures of you landing at KSC1. Also, using Stock gets you bonus points

ALSO, YOU DON\'T HAVE TO DO ALL THESE IN ONE MISSION (However, doing so would get you 20 extra bonus

points 8).

The winner is Markus Reese, but everyone gets to be buddies with me for doing this challenge!


KEY: Name #points, in/complete, challenge #\'s, (notes, if any)

Markus Reese 35 pts, complete, all, (only way to beat him is to make his ship return)

Khrissetti 8pts, complete, 1, 3, 4, 5,

Matticus88 6pts, complete, 1, 2, 5,

VincentMcConnell 5pts, complete, 1, 3, 4 (you didn\'t take pic\'s of ALL lakes)

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I reckon I can do most of these challenges with the exception of the spaceplane ones (I haven\'t built a spaceplane which has remained airborne for more than 30 seconds, yet.)

Challenge 3: Land on the Mun near the Arc or Munolith, take pictures

Completed by the ARKLab mobile laboratory set up not just to take a couple of pictures but to conduct extensive research on the arch over a three-week period. You might notice that it\'s missing some legs, this is due to me not being happy with the first landing site and trying to move it again.


Challenge 4: Land on Minmus, take pictures of your landing site

Completed by the Khione I mission using the mk4 ALICE lander. This mission technically covered challenge 5 as well, but I didn\'t take more than one picture of one ice-lake so I\'ll have to back to the littlest moon.


To be completed...

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Done Challenge 1 & 2, although number 2 is a bit... iffy.

Challenge 1

North pole -


South Pole - SOUTHPOLE.png

Landing at south pole (After 1 more orbit) - cominginforspoleland.png

Landed! - landedatspole.png

Challenge 2

Searching for KSC2 -


There it is! - FoundKSC2.png

Thats why i think its a bit iffy, thats the best screenshot i got.. i kinda lost control a bit when i got closer and between trying to regain control of the ship and finding the F1 key.. i didn\'t take a close up screenshot :( so its up to you if the shot i got is good enough or not.

Ships used are both my own designs, found on my thread HERE

The Icus KA-088 (a variant of it) 'Icus KA-088-2'

and the Icus Kerbin Orbiter V1

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Good, good, I\'ll give you bonus points for landing in the south pole, and returning, and stock, so, 3.5 points, and half credit on taking pictures of KSC2, so 4 points in all, however, you must complete another mission to get a rank so far.

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yes my rocket is stock however my spaceplane uses the foward swept wing and the mk2bicoupler.

I\'m going to try out the minmus landing challenge next, as i have no idea where those features on the Mun are, and i\'ve never been to minmus before so i\'d like to see it myself :)

Also, i have a suggestion, Perhaps keep a log of everyone who has completed challenges and their points tally in your first post?

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Done challenge 4! (finnally!)

Although i used Mechjeb to get into orbit of Kerbin, I Didn\'t use it to get into an encounter with Minimus, but when i was captured by minimus\'s gravity, i did use it for landing. so i feel i did the hardest bit manually :) i *think* that mechjeb is the only mod parts that was on the rocket i used.

At first it tried to land on a steep slope, so i turned of auto-pilot, then manually manuvered over one of the lakes then auto\'ed the landing.



Sadly i didn\'t have enough fuel for a return, and when i decided to move my lander, i kinda crashed it xD

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Not anything worth points, but maiden flight of my Biomega Explorer, hunting for the arch and currently waiting for munar daylight to attempt a test landing. If this test is successful, I will be ready to begin a full mission flight hopefully.


Edit: Successful test of mun base deployment! :P

Guess I need a better landing gear system


I am really enjoying these multimission challenges, really push my building skills when combined with my love of roleplay. had to make the rocket big so they could perform all the neccesary scientific studies, as well as have supplies.

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I already have challenges three, four and five completed. Possibly one. I\'ll run through my screenshots folder.

This photo was taken from on top of the Mun Arch:


This photo was taken along with a series of photos while I was in orbit around Minmus:


Here\'s my landing site on just an average mission to Minmus:


North Pole from 100KM Orbit:


South Pole from 100KM Orbit:


I now have challenges 1, 3, 4 and 5 completed. I\'ll get onto the rest.

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Challenge 5 done

Challenge 5: Orbit around Minmus and take pictures of the methane lakes. Show pictures of each lake

The crew of the Medusa I return to Minmus, following in the footsteps of the Khione I tasked with surveying all of the littlest moon\'s ice lakes. They return with pictures of each lake and sea, completing the mission by first orbiting eastwards, then changing plane to a polar orbit to check for any smaller lakes around the poles.



Challenge 1 done as well - With stock parts only!

Project Shackleton was underfunded from the very start, forced to rely on \'stock\' parts dragged in from scrap metal yards and off the side of the road. The challenge was simple, to capture images of the poles, North and South, which the crew dutifully did, before dropping down somewhere in the northern wastes.


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First successful Mun test completed. As was tactics for arctic imaging at the same time. A few more tests, and this brave crew should be ready for the complete and official mission, early launch fuel consumption problems will hopefully be remedied soon.




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After days of testing, practice and mishaps, the day for the mission finally began.

It all started with reports that non Jeb approved launch facility had tried to begin operations. The mission briefing required claiming sovereignty for both moons. Beting the competitors required getting the first surveys of the Munar Arches as well as a detailed survey of the frozen methane lakes. The following is the final mission results. All was done using Jebediah parts only.

First, in utmost secrecy, the most advanced kerbal rocket ever built at the launch facility was readied for a night launch, After months of preparation, the 'Biomega Explorer' was readied for launch and orbit.

At Kerbin

Launch Pad


In Orbit


While many trips to Mun have been performed in the past, the anomaly of the arch has never been investigated. With potential unique scientific discoveries possible, Being the first to collect samples and study the site was a priority

The Mun

Munar Orbit Landing Site


Low Orbit Approach


Base of Arch Hill


Darkness Hangs Over Kerbin


Leaving for Next Stop


The lakes on Minmus were long hypothesized to be methane, but high end images were required to know for sure. These high res images allowed scientists back on Kerbin to get a head start on studies while awaiting the samples to be returned.


First Lake Image


Second Lake Image


Third Lake Image


On Minmus


Landing Site


Lander Detach


Leaving Minmus


While at Minmus, command decided it was necessary to finish global satellite mapping to ensure no other unknown space operations threatened the security of space travel. As result, the command module had to orbit the poles. To ensure it went well, orbit was acheived by coming over the north pole and performing atmospheric braking to finish capture

Return to Kerbin

Coming in Over North Pole


South Pole


Close up North Pole


Auxiliary Boosters out of Fuel


With final mapping of the planet complete, the site dubbed KSC2 was deemed too much of a threat to continue uncontrolled. With fuel low, it was decided that the crew would be required to do a recon of the site in order to find a secure way to bypass the radar sites long range detection. The crew would circle back to the complex at a lower altitude and proceed to drop payload on the command site to cause panic. Very few kerbals are able to maintain calm around explosions, even Jeb has troubles. With low fuel, the crew would then land, and take control of KSC2 while it\'s staff is paniced.

Capture of KSC2

Long Range Recon KSC2


Mountain Approach


Payload Ready


Bombing Run

KSC2 Captured


All challenges completed. Only problem ones are the KSC2 because in the end I didn\'t have enough fuel to get back, and with stock parts, my comp wouldnt be able to handle any larger early stages.

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Here is my final part.

Minimus Lakes




Landed on Minimus


Location on minimus


rover engine broke off after detaching :(


bit of exploration


ah, accident after a jump


Rescue mission scrapped, turned out one of the astrokerbal\'s had a criminal record and the space agency decided it wasn\'t worth the expense xD

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Oh, here is the ship I used as well.

One thing to note, it took ALOT of tries to finally succeed. Earlier I posted up one of my failed landings, but many more occured. Toughest part is the initial launch due to the sheer complexity of the ship. The ideal design actually used the aerospike rocket to egress from KSC 2 and would have gotten me back to KSC 1 and would be activated after I dropped the bombs, however I had to activate them to get down onto minimus. It wouldn\'t take a whole lot more work to get the extra bit of boosting needed to land and return without them from Minmus, but my computer would not be able to handle it and I would not be able to get the nice launch needed for initial orbit. :(

The other bit is that I did roleplay a fair bit too. I could have done it also with alot smaller and more efficient space plane, but I had to roleplay a bit and make a ship that also looked sciency and appropriate.

Main trick for getting back is the atmospheric braking. Is excellent once you get the feel for it and recommend it to all. Just skim the atmosphere enough to slow you down, but not enough so you don\'t get back in to orbit. Some low fuel consuming maneuvers and perfect orbit with about 1/4 tank of fuel. I waited for KSC2 to near my orbit path, did some corrective angling and decel, was able to come in. Running out of orbit fuel, I came in a bit far from KSC2 so burned most plane fuel getting to it. Since it was not probable in getting back, I just landed there 8)

Again, the attachment is from a zero modded KSP, will work for anybody. Using mods, the trip would have been easier, but where is the fun in that :D

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