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Ultimate Steve

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Hello, everyone, I am Ultimate Steve. I am definitely not new to KSP in any way, I joined back in 0.19. KSP is probably the best game I have ever bought, and I have no Idea why I didn't join the forums earlier. Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been to most of the bodies in the game in one form or another, except for moho (can't seem to get an encounter) Eeloo (Never bothered) and Vall (not enough fuel left on my J5 mothership). I have done crewed landings on Kerbin's moons, Duna and Ike, all of Jool's moons (except Vall) and Gilly. I am also really excited for 1.1 (but I don't have steam... must wait). Did I manage to break the record by lurking for 3 years?


By the way, if there is a way to add the KSP planet names to the forum's spellchecker dictionary, I suggest that you do that. It's only my first post and It's already annoying me.

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Hello Ultimate Steve and welcome to the forum!

Vall is a really cool place to visit.

That spellchecker is in your web browser.  You can usually add words to the dictionary by right-clicking on them.

Happy landings!

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Thanks for the spellcheck tip!

I do want to go to Vall at some point, but my lander was out of fuel on my first mission. I did, however, station my mothership around Vall during that mission, and it is still there (I used the more efficient transfer ship to get home). Maybe I'll use it in the future. I'll probably have to start a mission report on that mission.

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  • 1 year later...

The Vall Henge is a must see once in a ksp-player's life !

Unfortunately i am experiencing massive problems with ksp, otherwise i'd send you a postcard.

And welcome, though are a little longer here than i am :-)


Edit: ouch, this is an old one. Stupid me ...


Edited by Green Baron
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