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Shouldn't "TweakScale" and "KER" be part of the stock game?

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Some KER fonctionality would be great, but i do not think tweakscale, as it is, is a good stock Idea.

I do use it (tweakscale), but i artificially limite myself to scaling only certain type of parts (no engine or srb, thing like that), and not over the scale my tech level allow.

Otherwise tweakscale oftentime feel like pure cheating.

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A good bit of KER I find useful, but as @regex mentioned, Dv readouts its difficult to program, seeing as even KER still dorks out with the Dv when using rapiers/different engines. Again though, there is a lot more to KER that are extremely useful, and the ability to customize how much HUD real estate it takes, and where it takes it is wonderful.

Tweakscale on the other hand, just wouldn't fit stock for a lot of reasons

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