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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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  bashpr0mpt said:
ORDA docking mod: "The fuel transfer system will allow you to transfer fuel from one ship to another if you are within 50m. To use it you'll have to connect a fuel line with one of your Kerbals. Just float next the "FT"-Box, press g for grapple, float to your target fuel tank and press g again. It'll then show a transfer-GUI in the ship with the FT-Box. Use the same procedure to remove the fuel line. Unfortunately it's only a LineRenderer now... it would be great to render it as a real fuel line."

The reason I won't touch the kethane pack with a ten foot pole is that everything we're doing here is striving for realism, then there's friggen laserbeams shooting magical kethane from one ship to another. I can't rationalise it, my imagination only extends so far. But here lies a solution! The ORDA docking mod fixes your issue, and gives you a snazzy hose and a reason to clone kerbals and keep them in a Mun base for three years or until their teeth fall out.

Nobody is forcing you to use it. Considering these addons are developed by individuals or small teams for free in their spare time it's amazing. And your only problem with realism is a temporary green line? It's not like it's instant transfer several million kilometers away. You still need to be within 50 meters or else it won't work. I transfer up to 7,200 liters from the miner to an orbital tanker/refueler. It takes almost an hour just for the transfer. I don't care if it's magical pixies that carry jars of kethane over, the physics and restrictions are there so it's good enough for me.

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  bradley101 said:
Help i have every thing installed but cant find kethane! Were do i find it most abundently? I have 0.17 could that be the problem?

i have 0.17 and it works great

you just need to put ships in a low polar orbit and leave your pc running over night and you should find some

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  Xwing000 said:
jool is a green gas planet will it be a Kethane gas giant ??

Interesting idea. ... It should be possible to create a part (a "scoop" if you will) that can slowly (very, very slowly, to keep things balanced) retrieve kethane when the vessal is below a certain altitude over Jool. That should be quite feasible, in fact. As I understand it, all the classes required to do it are available.

  ramy said:
please make a new modern well developed saucer

You'll probably need to elaborate. O.o

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  Britich said:
You cant land on it, damned clouds, but we could argue it is.
  phoenix_ca said:
Interesting idea. ... It should be possible to create a part (a "scoop" if you will) that can slowly (very, very slowly, to keep things balanced) retrieve kethane when the vessal is below a certain altitude over Jool. That should be quite feasible, in fact. As I understand it, all the classes required to do it are available.

Ram Scoops! (going by that these things weren't misnamed in Gmods Spacebuild, cause if they were no one will know what I mean XD)

They could gather kethane based on atmospheric density, meaning the lower (and faster) you're going through it, the more you get, though the more you have to fight with said density : /

Also it'd be a challenge to make things stay in the atmosphere and not fall down, so I guess if you forget to get back to orbit before you switch vessels it'll fall.

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You'd either have to scoop one time really deep (i.e, fast as hell), or long times at high altitude, using fuel to maintain a stable orbit. For balance, they'd have to make sure that the amount of fuel you use would be less than what you'd get from the scoop, or else it would be pointless. Awesome, but pointless.

You could also start from a highly eccentric orbit and get all your scooping done in several passes, spending potential, and then leave at your leisure. Heck, with docking you could have one very small, low drag ship do all the collecting, and have a processor/tanker mothership that never has to dive that low.

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I have played this mod for some time and never thought to thank you guys, this actually gives me a reason to go to other planets and moons and to create large deep space crafts to seek out the ''Green Gold'' as i like to call it. this is the kind of thing i hope they have in the career part of the game and actual reason to explore other than curiosity, so thank you for taking the time to make this awesome mod looking forward to the next release.

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jool is a green gas planet will it be a Kethane gas giant ??


maybe there is something like a solar panel that filters and collected the Kethane in a low orbit around jool I think it is a very good idea or not?!

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Question. I grabbed the sat. pack, AND made sure to grab the plugin- but it still states that 'this part is unavailable in this version of KSP." is this a problem with me or the plugin?

Also... is this just not .17 compatible? I can't find ANY Kethane- although I have only tested it on the Mun. o.o

Edited by Tassyr
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I just noticed - to all looking for a solution to get their Powerpanels working again, after the 0.17-update:


the bold text under "known issues" on page 1 only refers to panels not working at all. Just bringing this up again for others in trouble, so they can find the fix more easily.

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For anyone having trouble with the solar panels look on page 79 of this tread their are links to the required plugins there ... if you just download the ones from page 1 it will not work download the ones form page 79 as well, and keep in mind that the satttilite pack is being merged with the other packs so it wont be supported for much longer.

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So not sure if this has been asked, how does the kethane work on different save files? v0.17 allows different persistent files in different folders but there is a single kethane data file. Does this mean kethane will be in the same place for all persistent 'games'? Not a bad thing - perhaps. Cheers.

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