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Tips for Surviving Time Warp

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I seem to have trouble with my ships randomly coming apart when leaving a high time warp factor (100,000). I have KJR installed - is there anything else I can do to make this less likely?

I am using quite a few mods (not RSS or RO though) - is there any one in particular known to cause this?




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Can you post a picture of the craft you're having trouble with?

Do you have RCS and/or SAS engaged when this starts to happen?

KJR is a great mod, I highly recommend it, but depending on your craft, it may not be enough. Posting a picture would help a lot; do you have any struts or other structural strengthening things?

Edited by KocLobster
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I had SAS on I believe. I don't have a picture, but I am pretty sure it wasn't the craft  - literally every part separated. I had science instruments floating in space, even my parachute came off. It was not a single-spot breakage. 

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This is not something that happens. Like, ever. In two years of playing the game, I've not heard of a single instance of this cropping up. There's the occasional Kraken attack, where your spacecraft violently tears itself apart if you do too much clipping, but... joints just randomly deciding to stop existing? And all at once too? That's new.

You might want to continue your inquiries in the tech support forums instead. But as a first stopgap measure, back up your saves folder, and then remove your KSP installation. Like, completely. Kill the whole folder. Then redownload it, and restore your savegame file. See if the problem happens again.

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As others have said - Kraken attacks can happen if parts are clipped. I even had a Kraken attack with a ship with no clipping, just very tightly packed satellites in a fairing which, on leaving time warp, the game decided were touching even though they shouldn't have been.

I don't think the time warp level makes any difference to Kraken attacks.

I also don't think (though I may be wrong on this) that there is much difference between leaving time warp and switching to a vessel: I think that the game unpacks the vessel in the same way. If anybody knows better I'd be interested to know.

However, I'd agree with Streetwind's analysis: this isn't something that I've ever heard about, and it doesn't sound like a Kraken attack at all.

If anything, it sounds like the possible result of a Kraken attack, for example if you somehow came within physics distance of the ship in question and didn't notice that it was shaking itself apart, but in that case you'd have seen multiple instances of the ship and/or debris in the tracking station. But that "shaking itself apart" stage would have to happen at some point, and your parts would not just be floating around disconnected like that but flying off in chunks in different directions.

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There was some motion involved - my lander can was spinning at 100 rpm somehow and when I came out of time warp I briefly saw a crew G limit notification from the deadly re-entry mod. 

I did transition SOI from Kerbol to Duna - could that cause it?

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22 hours ago, Streetwind said:

This is not something that happens. Like, ever. In two years of playing the game, I've not heard of a single instance of this cropping up. There's the occasional Kraken attack, where your spacecraft violently tears itself apart if you do too much clipping, but... joints just randomly deciding to stop existing? And all at once too? That's new.

You might want to continue your inquiries in the tech support forums instead. But as a first stopgap measure, back up your saves folder, and then remove your KSP installation. Like, completely. Kill the whole folder. Then redownload it, and restore your savegame file. See if the problem happens again.

Agreed. Sometime you want to reinstall the game and readd mods one by one. I add an issue once, where heat wasn't management. parts didn't get heated with reentry, only Sun. I reinstalled the game, readd my mods, readd my save games. Everything was good as new. Never found what it was and how to reproduce it.

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19 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

There was some motion involved - my lander can was spinning at 100 rpm somehow and when I came out of time warp I briefly saw a crew G limit notification from the deadly re-entry mod. 

I did transition SOI from Kerbol to Duna - could that cause it?

Ah ok, then it does very much sound like the Kraken. I don't think there is one definitive answer as to why it happens, but part clipping is generally the source. I don't see how SOI changes could affect it.

The craft that I mentioned earlier was this one:



Those are nine small probes, attached in rings of 3x symmetry around a central girder.

There was definitely no clipping on launch or in this pic (in sun orbit on the way to Eve). When I came back to the craft shortly before entering Eve's SOI, the game apparently decided that the bottom rung of probes was clipping into something, and started rotating back and forth violently around the central axis. In the end, one probe was thrown out in an exploded cloud of parts but I managed to release the other two and (eventually) get them back on course to make their own way to Eve orbit.

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