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A topic about how we want to treat each other in this community


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Not directed at anyone in particular, but just for anyone who is on either side of the fence regarding mod updates in 1.1 or not.  As a direct quote from Squad's announcement for the 1.1 pre-release


The nature and extent of the changes in the update mean that many plugins and add-ons will require refactoring, updating and at the very least a recompile. Of course modders cannot do this overnight and on the flick of a switch, especially with an update of this scope. Typically a select group of particularly KSP-savvy modders would be given access to the new update to help us find bugs, but the extent of the changes this time around is such that we feel we should open it up to everyone.

So in reading that section it certainly seems that at least part of the reason for the public pre-release was specifically to allow modders more time to get their mods in order for a 1.1 release.  For some that may mean quietly working on their own and waiting for 1.1 to release.  For others that means putting their 1.1 version out to get more bug testing/feedback.   Both are perfectly valid options.

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Reading back thru the thread since I last posted, I just want to make it clear:


2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

But then I also made sure I kept the last stable 1.0.5 and made it clear that these were pre-release ones so folks could help me find issues.

^ This was my point ^

Go ahead and CONCURRENTLY offer, and promote (to a minor extent), pre-1.1 releases. Even go ahead and stop SUPPORT of the old, 1.0.5 version... But at least leave it there, until an OFFICIAL, FULL, STABLE release comes from Squad.

With the pre-Release, I feel that 1.1 should not have been as boldly, or as actively advertised as some modders have done, with complete removal of links, or even mention of 1.0.5...

I feel (and we all know opinions are like, you know, everyone HAS one) that it would be awesome if there was always a month or two of overlap, to give those holdouts a chance to grab the last, latest mod version for the "outgoing" KSP version, AND time for the new mod version to get the bugs & kinks worked out of it, as well as Squad having time to kill any missed major bugs in the "incoming" KSP release.

And 1.0.5, WHICH, whether modmakers will admit or not, is STILL the CURRENT, VALID, STABLE, SUPPORTED release of KSP, which is available to 100% of users, where the pre-1.1 is only available to a select group of Steam users ONLY.

I think completely switching over to pre-1.1 before a FULL, STABLE, release of 1.1, available to ALL players is released, is a dis-service to the community. AND, before a modmaker says its their sole right to do so, I will vehemently AGREE with you, and defend your right to say that it is your sole right to do that...

HOWEVER, that doesnt mean that it isnt a bad move, and when it puts a bad taste in peoples mouths, who once respected you, and people start posting bug issues and incompatabilities, and whining and complaining things dont work, and it becomes standard practice for a mod to have to start every reply to a complaint with "Are you using the old 1.0.5 version, (which I have thrown away all mention of/and links to), or the pre-1.1 version?", then I say "You get what's coming to you, after all it was your decision and your right to decide what to do with your mod"


Edited by Stone Blue
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I've been around the forums since November of 2011.  I've been playing the game since before it was "officially" placed into alpha.  I've been modding since late 2013.  There are many folks still here that date back to that time.

I noted the changes in the community back in 2012 and the game started getting popular.  I noted the changes when the game hit steam

I noted the changes when the game hit Beta. etc, etc. etc.

What I'm saying is the the community has and will continue to evolve over time as modders come and go, developers come and go, and players come and go.

What I find refreshing about this community is the generally higher level of civility and respect.  Yes we get "babies" if you will, and we get "egos" if you will, but I've been in many community and this one is the best.

So, lesson learned here is to always treat other with respect, and to at least attempt to get permission from a mod author before touching code, and at the very least, fork and rename so it is definitely unique in case the original author decides to return.


Keep Kerbalin'

Edited by Papa_Joe
spelling, grammer
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