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Runway and Landing pad

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Hi, im pretty new to the community (few weeks).

..I got a few minutes of spare while house cleaning, so I thought I'd post a request that is simple and would make life easier.

Give the Runway and Launchpad a beacon for craft to see on the navball. sort of like a simple ILS/DME (as I understand it).

I'm sure there are mods out there that have these intergrated but what if one doesn't want mods? or doesn't want the extra stuff that have this system in it?

the amount of missions requesting you to go half way round the planet to gauge the temperature then all the way back and landing should constitute a consideration for stock.

Above all, i'm really sick of planting flags all round the KSC every time I start a new game. but having them there is SO USEFUL.

please consider

Loving the game thank you!

Edited by C04L
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I agree with this, in fact I suggested it once.  I wouldn't be so concerned with placing them on the runway and launchpad specifically, a general KSC way-point that pointed to the primary flagpole would also work.  Once you are in close you can see the runway and launchpad for landing adjustments with enough skill.  The key thing is simply being able to find the KSC, especially in the dark, and assuming Kerbals have near earth-like technology, that isn't so unrealsitic.  You could even add this as a benefit of upgrading your tracking station or something like that.  It would certainly be better than the ridiculous upgrade-for-action groups 'feature'.

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7 hours ago, tater said:

You could, but why should you have to?

Quoted for truth... Why should I need to do this... I have done it, but thats two more craft in physics range, all the time (though post 1.1 that should be less of a problem... still)

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it's nice to see im not the only one.... Here's to hoping we get a consideration (/raises a glass of something)

I like the flagpole idea, simpler the better - but visible only with level two SPH and Tracking Stn onwards.

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Maybe the KSC runway could/should have 'proper' landing lights and/or beacons, like airports do, on the approach from the mountains at least with another to mark the eastern end.  The could either be additional extra purchases or mire sensibly come with the runway upgrades.

I would also like, at some point, to see a separate flat landing pad area and a jetty/dock for launching floating or sinking things directly.  But they are definitely low on the priority list. 

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I'd say:

1.  It's ridiculous that the current level 1 runway is WORSE than the grass immediately surrounding it.  There should never be a point where we need to taxi OFF of the runway before trying to take off.  Make it so all levels of the runway are at least reasonably smooth.

2.  Add a basic nav marker to the level 2 runway and maybe a full ILS system to the level 3 runway. 

And while we're at it, make aircraft actually be USEFUL much earlier on in career.

3.  Significantly reduce the cost of the first tier of aircraft parts.  Maybe put them in the 10-15 point tier.

4.  Make it so the entire KSC counts as just ONE biome instead of 10+ different ones.  It makes sense to be able to get a FEW science points without going anywhere(system checks, instrument calibration etc.) but currently it seems a bit excessive.

5.  Instead, add some other points of interest which you can fly to and get science from instead. 

And might as well toss in a QoL improvement while we're at it:

6.  New SAS mode which holds an aircraft in straight, level flight at a constant speed.  This would also allow you to use the physics mode time warp and make those hour+ long flights halfway around the world a bit more bearable.

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10 minutes ago, Hodari said:

4.  Make it so the entire KSC counts as just ONE biome instead of 10+ different ones.  It makes sense to be able to get a FEW science points without going anywhere(system checks, instrument calibration etc.) but currently it seems a bit excessive.

This is off topic but why?  You can ignore them if you want to, I certainly don't bother getting all the science from each of the 3 dishes on the tracking station.  It's not like they give that much science, so why does it matter?  At most it gets you one good node or several really early ones.


14 minutes ago, Hodari said:

6.  New SAS mode which holds an aircraft in straight, level flight at a constant speed.  This would also allow you to use the physics mode time warp and make those hour+ long flights halfway around the world a bit more bearable.

You can already use the physics time warp, and holding constant with the current SAS is pretty easy, still requires minor adjustments every so often but still I could go to my kitchen and get a snack between them.

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1 minute ago, Alshain said:

This is off topic but why?  You can ignore them if you want to, I certainly don't bother getting all the science from each of the 3 dishes on the tracking station.  It's not like they give that much science, so why does it matter?  At most it gets you one good node or several really early ones.

The main reason was adding the other points of interest that you could fly to in order to make early aircraft useful for something.  Removing the extra KSC biomes was just to keep things balanced after these other locations were added.

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2 minutes ago, Hodari said:

The main reason was adding the other points of interest that you could fly to in order to make early aircraft useful for something.  Removing the extra KSC biomes was just to keep things balanced after these other locations were added.

Well I don't disagree with you there, Kerbin needs more attractions.  I'm hoping that can happen after 1.1 loosens the RAM requirement of adding a much of static models to the game.

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