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Hi guys, 

I have a nearly full modded version of KSP installed, that runs stable the most of the time @32bit and @64bit (for a better performance and RAM usage), but something is very strange.
If I enter a specific low orbit of some celestial bodies (those without atmosphere) for example Mercury or Phobos, my game starts permanentaly autosaving until I accellerate the vessel to >2m/s² or decent to the surface (<150m). The main problem here is, that the game is nearly impossible to play in that period, as there is 1/10 fps during the saving process.

I already tried to run KSP in 32bit mode to eliminate the possibility of 64bit causing the problem, but theere is the problem too. So it must have something to do with an installed mod or some NO-RO part I am using for sience. Maybe it has something to do with the RSS mod and the changed values of heights for ingame actions. I also cant warp 10.000x while I'm flying beneath 35Mm in the Earth-orbit. Whitch I cant change either.

Did any of you eventually had the same issue or a clue what could have caused that problem? I would disable autosave if its possible, but even manually editing the config does not permit ksp starting the autosave.

Thank you ahead, Tom.

Installed Mods List:
KSP: 1.0.5 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
Filter Extensions -
USI Tools - 0.7
Advanced Jet Engine - 2.6.1
B9 Animation Modules - 1.0
B9 Part Switch - 1.0.1
B9 Aerospace - 6.0.1
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.1
B9 Aerospace - 6.0.1
B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.0.1
B9 Aerospace Legacy Parts - 6.0.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.5
Connected Living Space -
Contract Configurator - 1.9.11
Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.0.1
Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0.2
CryoEngines - 0.2.1
DMagic Orbital Science - 1.2
Contracts Window Plus -
Ferram Aerospace Research -
Firespitter - 7.1.5
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.18
RasterPropMonitor - 0.24.2
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.5
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4
Kerbal Konstructs -
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.6
KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5
KW-Rocketry-Community-Fixes - 0.4.10
Infernal Robots - 0.21.4
Modular Rocket Systems - 1.12.2
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.2
NearFutureConstruction - 0.5.5
NearFutureElectrical - 0.6.2
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.6.1
NearFutureSolar - 0.5.5
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.4.4
Procedural Parts - 1.1.11
RCS Build Aid - 0.7.7
RealChute -
RealismOverhaul - 10.9.6
RealSolarSystem - 10.6.2
RemoteTech - 1.6.9
Saturatable RW -
SCANsat -
SmartParts - 1.6.6
SolverEngines - 1.15
SpaceY Expanded - 1.1.5
SpaceY Lifters - 1.11.2
StationPartsExpansion - 0.3.4
TextureReplacer - 2.4.12
TweakScale - 2.2.6
USI Core - 0.1.8
Kolonization Core - 0.1.10
USI-LS - 0.3.15
UKS - 0.33.9
USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.3.2
Universal Storage -
VenStockRevamp - 1.9
KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.7.4
WASDEditorCameraContinued - 0.6.4

Edited by TCBlacksheep
Reason: Ortography :)
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