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[WIP] IVA Everything - WIP Release!


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Concept - Looking at the awesome new IVA shader that lets you see through windows or "cutaways" of IVA's, it gave me an idea. What if the cut-aways were not only for parts with IVA's? What if activating the shader made cutaways of different parts such as fuel tanks? My intent is to create "IVA's" but without any habitation, I would also like to separate the activation of the cutaway from the IVA view button, and even have the cutaway activate in the VAB or SPH. I will probably need a plugin to achieve the desired behavior.






Parts Added:

So far only parts added have been for the MK2 profile. Below are the parts currently supported:

  • MK2 Profile supported parts.
    • mk2FuselageLongLFO
    • mk2Fuselage
    • mk2_1m_Bicoupler
    • mk2_1m_AdapterLong
    • mk2SpacePlaneAdapter

Planned parts support and features

  • MK3 profile internals
  • Rocket fuselage and tanks support
  • Wings
  • Mod Support


JPLRepo - Without him this would have not left the concept phase.


Edited by martinezfg11
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cool idea! a lot of work though. :D pretty much doubles the amount of work on any single part. you could try animating the opacity on the exterior shader, and trigger that with animateGeneric.

Edited by nli2work
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  On 4/13/2016 at 7:42 PM, nli2work said:

cool idea! a lot of work though. :D pretty much doubles the amount of work on any single part. you could try animating the opacity on the exterior shader, and trigger that with animateGeneric.


My idea is to have a "common library" of IVA's for generic parts such as fuel tanks,  other parts could probably be approximated.

I'll look into the animated opacity option.

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I like this idea, you could ask other modders to give support to you, as this requires a ton of work, first off start with the stock parts, then just expand, expand, expand.


Oh and don't do IVAS on decouplers, docking ports, thin parts etc. It's just unecessary :P

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Should be easy to do. Only problem as you said it can only be activated from a kerbal portrait right now. For fueltanks it should be easy to make it with modular geometry that you just recombine for different lengths etc.

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Yeah, I'm currently running into issues with just getting the IVA to work on a regular part. 

I get the feeling that I will need to write a plugin to have these "IVA's" show up on regular parts without adding extra transforms or crew slots.

I have never written a plugin for KSP and I have limited C++  C# knowledge soo this is going to be fun.

Edited by martinezfg11
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/22/2016 at 9:29 PM, martinezfg11 said:

Yeah, I'm currently running into issues with just getting the IVA to work on a regular part. 

I get the feeling that I will need to write a plugin to have these "IVA's" show up on regular parts without adding extra transforms or crew slots.

I have never written a plugin for KSP and I have limited C++  C# knowledge soo this is going to be fun.


I think I could make a small modification to JSIAdvTransparentPods to allow what you need. Then all you have to do is create the internals and write the config files to use it.

Edited by JPLRepo
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OK, major thanks to @JPLRepo for adapting JSIAdvTransparentPod to work with non-crewed IVA's.

Here's an in-game shot, I'm going to use materials with no textures, only modified burn colors. But that's subject to change.



Also, I finally got it aligned!!

Edited by martinezfg11
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  On 5/4/2016 at 5:56 PM, martinezfg11 said:

Yeah that sounds good, but unfortunately engines are essentially just nozzles sticking out of fuel tanks in KSP.


Not at all, there is a mod called "Stock Engine Turbines resurrected", it enables disabled by default stock turbines of jet engines. And we have the Goliath which is full-featured jet engine assembly :)

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  On 5/4/2016 at 6:05 PM, KerbOrbiter said:

Not at all, there is a mod called "Stock Engine Turbines resurrected", it enables disabled by default stock turbines of jet engines. And we have the Goliath which is full-featured jet engine assembly :)


True, but those are "external" models that will not be visible once the IVA is Activated. Maybe I can have the IVA dynamically change depending on what's attached... Just maybe...

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  On 5/6/2016 at 12:08 PM, KerbOrbiter said:

Nice :)

Seems like that there are some lighting problems, isn't it?


I don't see any lighting problems... The colors you see are purely diffuse material burn colors, so there isn't any AO baked into them, and with the JSIAdvTransparentPod plugin shadows are cast from the structural members onto the tanks.

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  On 5/6/2016 at 2:44 PM, martinezfg11 said:


I don't see any lighting problems... The colors you see are purely diffuse material burn colors, so there isn't any AO baked into them, and with the JSIAdvTransparentPod plugin shadows are cast from the structural members onto the tanks.


I mean the colors on the model that you showed first (white-yellow structural pieces) and finel result (dirty-yellow). Why it's so dark?

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  On 5/7/2016 at 11:02 AM, KerbOrbiter said:

I mean the colors on the model that you showed first (white-yellow structural pieces) and finel result (dirty-yellow). Why it's so dark?


The colors on the first model are renders from Modo. The material burn colors were dark because there needs to be a texture associated with it, I fixed that more or less.

I have a pre-release up on GitHub download HERE. See the pre-release notes for more information and supported parts.

This mod needs to have JSI Advanced Transparent Pods V0.1.5.0 or greater installed or it will not work.


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