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Andem's TEXT, or Tanteres EXTension


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Hi all.

I recently asked @Beale if I could add some Bealalike/porkalike parts to support other mods.

I'll be seperating these into mini packs as well as a master version when actual development starts, but without further ado, here we go:


Stockalike Tech Tree Progression

STTP aims to provide parts that match the stock tech progression. Note that the original Beale parts will not be moved... I will create my own unique parts for this mod.


Tantares Mod Support Packs

TMSP is a place where I want all the ideas you can throw at me. Please. So far, I have two parts for mods planned, those being:

A) OSE Workshop Parts

-Siniyvo Production Facility

B) KPBS Parts

-Uotni Semi-Inflatable Habitat

-Small Telescopic Corridor

-Kazarma Crew Barracks


You guys, official development starts tomorrow. I'm gonna ask somebody to move this thread in the morning, so that'll be all.

Actually, pushing it back a little while, some stuff came up...

Edited by Andem
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