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Hadlock Cargo Corp Development Thread


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Jumbo Jet


Work in progress. The rest of the plane is modeled and skinned* in similarly sized chunks, just working on the nodes & cfg files. First time modeling anything, so this is a bit of an adventure ???

It\'s hard to tell due to the shader that KSP uses, but there\'s a 1m flat spot on the front for a radar nosecone or similar 1m mechjeb attachment. Total diameter is 6m, I think the length is something like 8m. I also have 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 meter fuselage sections so you can make really absurdly long jets and keep things balanced weight-wise. A real 747 is 6.5m wide, and a 767 is 5m wide, so 6m seemed like a good size to shoot for.

Pics to come as I get the cfg files sorted for testing and release.

*by skinned I mean painted 'Danger Orange' with black highlights. Passenger window spacing is hard.



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Well, I got all the parts exported and they look great. But I built and exported them along the wrong axis (horizontal) so they show up as vertical in the SPH, causing some problems with node attachment points. Re-exporting everything today.

Also, Harvester announced last night that you\'ll be able to define crew carrying parts, and the number of crew in each part. This means you\'ll actually be able to shuttle around Kerbalnauts in passenger planes. So plan on a proper passenger jet in the near future, as well! :D Once I get this jet done, I\'ll have a better idea of how to model future jets so the windows all line up properly and are evenly spaced. Window spacing is hard.

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Specular shader gives it that nice, glossy 'new jumbo jet' sheen, but it\'s calculated per part, rather than for the entire unit, which is a shame. I\'m going to have to re-export everything as diffuse to give it an even look.


Also, comedy DcXfR.gif image. Node spacing obviously needs to be worked on completely overhauled



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The reason your parts look like they don\'t belong together is not because of unity but because your smoothing is borked, if you are using Blender the easiest way to fix this is with a 'Edge split' modifier since the 'mark sharp' function is currently not working very well. Modifiers are found in object mode in the wrench tab.

Example plane, the fuselage is made up out of 4 identical pieces with the same color.


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Ah, brilliant, thanks for that tip! I will give that a shot here shortly. P.S. your jet looks great! I\'m shooting for something similar... though about 6x larger. I\'m excited to see what it looks like without the segmentation effect look. Thanks again, I\'m new to all this :)

I decided to stick on some more parts after I cleaned up the nodes some more (it\'s designed to be modular) and see how she flies. Obviously, I\'m still a bit aprehensive about designing the wings, so I\'m just using double delta wings to get a feel for how it flies.

And it flies great. The plane takes off gradually and smoothly, just like you see at the airport. Banking is smooth and gradual, and landings are a breeze with those wide wheel banks. In short, it flies how you imagined they should when you first loaded up 0.15.

Main fuselage as pictured is 40m, with cockpit & tail it comes to about 60m, or 180ft. A 747 is around 70-76m long.



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That looks great !

Exept this little smoothing problem that makes it look like a sausage :P

When it\'s released, i\'ll use it to drop supplies for my future polar base :)

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That looks great !

Exept this little smoothing problem that makes it look like a sausage :P

Wait until you see the freight train I\'m working on! Here\'s an early render:


Choo Choo! 8)

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Hadlock Cargo Corp is now offering a Sandvich delivery service. Those EVAs make Kerbals very very hungry, so we should go send them some lunch!

I can\'t link to the part directly here, for obvious reasons, but here\'s the video!

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The Sandwhich was really popular on another forum I frequent, and I got a request to start doing Suborbital Pizza Deliveries. Pizzas ship frozen, and cook upon reentry, arriving at your door piping hot.

Download files (1.4mb) edit: fixed download link

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This project is effectively done, but I am having trouble getting my wings to connect correctly. I was using the CSS shuttle method, which is to just use nodes, but even that isn\'t working. Does someone want to have a look at my .cfg files and tell me what I\'m doing wrong here? I\'ve put out about 10 questions on the topics, but I\'m getting zero responses here.

The 'addon requests and support' forum seems to be more of a 'wishful thinking and requests' area rather than a source of good information, and the wiki is nigh-useless, not to mention horribly out of date. I\'m ready to release this and move on to another project, but the community documentation is lacking (or very poorly organized), and there\'s only so many hours I can sink in to fixing the .cfg files before growing tired of it.

The 3D modeling is the easy part. It\'s the .CFG hacking that takes the longest to do and get parts to line up correctly.

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  • 2 months later...

Hadlock Cargo Corp is moving in to the upper stage kicker motor business. Here's an early prototype of a Centaur upper stage. It's loosely balanced against two 1 meter engines pushing one large (3200L) and one small (1600L) tank.

The Centaur is a specially designed 5000L fuel tank with two mounting points on the bottom for 1 meter size engines. To accompany it, it has a specialized 2-to-1 decoupler. I've also included a .craft file.

The Centaur has a long history of pushing sattelites such as weather and communications, spy sattelites such as the Hexagon and Keyhold sattelites, and also planetary probes like the Hyugens-Cassini probe currently orbiting Saturn and the Curiosity rover currently on Mars. NASA has been using the Centaur upper stage for almost 50 years, and I was sad to see nobody had recreated this legendary rocket yet.


Note: due to the engines being arranged linearly instead of radially, the rocket is stronger in some directions and weaker in others. I recommend rotating 90 degrees immediately after liftoff to spread the bending load of the gravity turn over both engines, rather than just one.



Edited by Hadlock
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