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Kerbal Freeplay: Missions


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More then I year ago, I downloaded the KSP demo. I played it very often, flying around. And last Christmas, I got the full version as a present. Once I downloaded it, I started a sandbox save. I named it Kerbal Freeplay. This is the story of that save, written in story format.

Please note- the kerbals in this universe are nonviolent and do not have a military of any sort.

Writing Schedule

There is no set timetable on which I upload chapters, but I post less during the week due to other things. Expect more on weekends, although I will post something on the week. 

Table of Contents


Chapter 1-The Mission to Minmus

Interlude- Mortimer's Mistrust

Interlude- The Covert Spacecraft

Interlude- Revealed

Interlude- Whack-a-Mort

Chapter 2-Minmus Lander 1

Volume 1: The Trailblazers

Chapter 3-Kelios 1

Interlude- First Time in 1.1

Chapter 4-The Duna Probe

Chapter 5-I Like Ike!

Chapter 6-Eve Explorer

Interlude- Tandin and Hayna

Interlude- Koffee Break and a Transfer

Chapter 7-Gilly 1

Chapter 8-Moho 1

Interlude- Pioneers

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Chapter 1: The Mission to Minmus

"Dr. Von Kerman! Dr. Von Kerman!" 

Linus Kerman raced down the hall of the R&D building, holding a file in one hand and a kam sandwich in the other.

Wernher's office door burst off as Linus, labcoat and all, shoved through into a room filled with blueprints, books, and rocketry models.

"Linus, Linus. Why ze rush? Zast time I checked, ze are not going anywhere?"

"No, Dr. This file came in the mail."

Wernher Von Kerman took the file from the still panting Linus Kerman, and opened it. 

Inside was a contract.

"Billy-Bobmon Kerman's Ice Cream Parlor and Rocket Parts, Inc. 'Ze are requesting a probe to orbit ze moon of Minmus. If zhis mission goes well, ze will pay for a lander to Minmus. Do you accept?"

Wernher called a meeting.


72 days, 4 hours and 54 minutes later

Gene and KAPKOM in Mission Control were busy doing the final check.







"We are go!"

The mighty rocket lifted off into the sky. The flames of the engines roared.

"First Stage Separation!"

The probe flew out of the atmosphere, and began the orbital burn.

Once in orbit, Gene checked all systems, then plotted the course to Minmus.


Minmus Explorer 1 flew into the cosmos.

Wernher looked and saw the sherbet moon out there.


"Prepare for injection burn!" 


Gene dropped the orbit closer to Minmus, and then began running the tests.


(This picture had Free camera mode on)

Next day, a check for 458,000 kerbucks showed up in the mail.

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Interlude: Mortimer's Mistrust

"What I'm saying is that the price is too high."

"What is zhis?! We have launched ze rocket before. Why do you zuddenly doubt our abilities?"

"I doubt our abilities because the idea of Minmus being made out of mint sherbet is ridiculous. And, Gus, you said the RCS on this one failed. How do we know what will happen next?"

"You're a menace, Mortimer."

"I may be a menace, but I have enough power to cut off the budget for this and to cut off the snack budget!"


"Then you will not launch this rocket unless I say we have the funds."


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Interlude: The Covert Spacecraft

Wernher, Linus, and Val stole across the R&D, driving a Phantom-class transport rover to the VAB. On board was the probe core for the Minmus lander.

After Mortimer refused the budget for the lander, Wernher had Gene, Gus, Jeb, Bob, Val, Bill, and Linus attend a special meeting. The objective was to construct the Minmus lander inside the VAB without Mortimer knowing.

Jeb, Bob, and Bill, meanwhile, were getting the Mammoth out of the Vab round tank. Wernher had stashed parts everywhere, and now the teams were collecting them. 

Bob dislodged the engine, and he, Jeb, and Bill ran into the VAB, where Gus and his gang were building the rocket.

Wernher and Co. pulled up to the VAB, and spirited the probe core into the VAB.

The mighty rocket was complete. 

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Interlude: Revealed

Mortimer Kerman strolled across the space center, whistling. He was heading for the VAB, just to make sure no rockets had popped up overnight.

He was walking past the Pod Memorial he heard shouts from the crawlerway. Mortimer ran to see what the commotion was.

He was met by the sight of 15 kerbals pushing a huge rocket, labelled Minmus Lander 1 down to the Launchpad. 

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Interlude: Whack-a-Mort

Mortimer had to stop this. It was too expensive!

Suddenly, he felt a blow to the back of his head.

Jeb stood behind him, wielding a Extend-o-matic flag. Val pulled out some kuct tape and wrapped up Mort.

Val grabbed Mort's feet and Jeb grabbed his arms. They locked Mort in a broom closet inside of the R&D.


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Chapter 2: Minmus Lander 1

Jeb and Val rushed into Mission Control.

"Did you get him?" screeched Gene.

Jeb nodded. "Whacked him over the head with a flag."

"We hid him in the broom closet, kuct tape and all," added Val.

"Good. We need him out the way for this launch," said Gene.

The mighty rocket took off, and Mortimer wiggled around in the closet as he felt the rocket launch.

Gene and KAPKOM made the orbital injection, then made the Minmus burn. 


An hour later, Bill and Bob dragged a cranky Mortimer to Gene's office. Val went behind them, carrying a flagpole.

Meanwhile, Gene and Mission Control were landing the probe on Minmus. Within minutes, Linus and Wernher were on the scene.






And as the sun set on Minmus, the money showed up for the lander- 867,000 kerbucks.


And, as the probe saw Kerbin, Jeb reflected that it was fun to whack a kerbal.



Next up...



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  On 4/20/2016 at 11:35 PM, max_creative said:


Including Dres! 


Have you seen an Eve sunset/sunrise? It's green!





I hope I'll see one! 

First 2 Probes...


We are launching a probe to Duna and then one to Ike.



  Reveal hidden contents


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Chapter 3: Helios 1

Helios 1 was the result of hard work, much research, many plans, and a certain Kerbal whacked over the head.

The launch was not highly publicized- that was for Duna 1. Instead, the Kerbin Offical Solar Watchers Club showed up, and witnessed the probe that would become the first in 17 bodies of the Kerbol system.


As the probe left its parent body, Wernher wondered if a kerbal would ever see the same view.


As the probe dropped closer and closer to Kerbol, things began to heat up.


And Gene reflected the target distance of 700,000 km might have to be tweaked.


When Linus looked at the monitor, he said "I don't think science instruments are supposed to glow like that.


In fact, Gene left the orbit slightly eccentric, mainly because the probe could cool off that way. 


Linus was wondering if heat affected a solar panel's production.


And Gene was glad he changed the original plan.



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Interlude: FIRST TIME IN 1.1

Updated this morning, etc.

Here is my reaction and pictures.

Well, a different loading screen... I did something correctly! :)


Oh look. The menu says I'm in 1.1!


*noise like pig*





So, I'm feeling good about this. See ya tonight for the Duna probe!

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Chapter 4: The Duna Probe

Duna 1. The pride of kerbal engineering. The pinnacle of space exploration. As the whole world, Gene, and Mission Control looked on, Linus and Werner sat on the top of the VAB.

"Zat's a good one."

"Mmhm" *chewing of a sandwich*

"Ze red dot. Ze kerbals have wondered about it for years, ja?"

*more chewing*

"The public's going to go wild, you know."

"It is ze most exciting time to be alive, ja?"


The mighty thrusters lifted off, and Werner looked on, in reflective silent, with the expression a mother would wear when her child went to kollege: pride and sadness.

Meanwhile, Gene and Mission Control began the orbital burn.


" Adjust Angle 0.2 degrees!"


"Extend Panels!"

But after much struggle, the burn was made, and the probe made the transfer into interplanetary space.


As Werner looked to the probe, he saw Kerbin and the Mun, and even Minmus. He said "To zink that every kerbal who has ever lived lived on something ze size of a marble."


Two Years later

Mortimer looked at Gene.

"Listen. This was several thousand in taxes for the kerbal populace. Because Werner had a crazy idea we could get to Duna. How do we know Duna exists? For all we know, there is no Duna and we spent several thousand funds on a hair-brained scheme that gets us nowhere!"

 "Calm down, Mortimer. The boys in Mission Control got the arrangement right this time. We'll nail it for sure."

"If this goes on for another year, we are ruined! I'll bet my salary for the next 6 months we're wasted!"


Gene was in bed. He was sleeping, peacefully, when the phone rang.

"Yes, this is Gene Kerman."

"Concerning Duna? Yes?"


"I'm coming over right now."



Gene was met in Mission Control with a bottle of khampagne. Werner, Linus, Jeb, Val, Bill, Bob, Walt, Gus, and Mortimer were all there. Mortimer was skulking in a corner, and when Gene walked by, he forked over a wad of cash to Gene. Gene, being nice, took half the wad and left the other half with Mortimer. 

Gene personally performed the capture, and then, piece by piece, descended into a closer orbit.




"Look at it." whispered Val.




And those same photos appeared on the Kerbin Times that morning


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Chapter 5: I Like Ike!

Mortimer Kerman strolled across the lawn of the astronaut complex, looking smug and happy. He held several files in his hands, and as he walking into the R&D, someone said that was the happiest Mort had ever been. 

Mortimer stopped in front of Dr. Von Kerman.

"The krowdfunding went better then expected. Over 128,000 kerbucks in funds- enough to construct another Discovery rocket to Ike! Wasn't that our plan, Dr.?"

"Ja! Linus, call Herr Gus. Tell him ze funds are in. Begin ze construction!"

Linus grabbed the fastest rover to the VAB and raced there.

65 days later

The crowds of reporters and civilians were overwhelming. The morning may be cold, but Moxie Kerman's Koffee Co. was on the scene, and mugs and cups were passing around. Wernher wore a thick coat over his lab coat. Several kerbal celebrities were at the launch, too. All four orange suits, and Dilemone Kerman of Probodobodyne Inc., as well as Geofdos Kerman, head of Rockomax Conglomerate were there.

Gene and Mission Control began the countdown.








The crowd was silent as the mighty rocket lifted off into the sky, flying higher and higher. The kerbals looked at this majestic creation, but still stayed silent. 

"This is Gene Kerman. This has been a perfect launch!"

The crowd's cheers erupted like a Twin-Boar engine, and Wernher felt all the emotion around him.

The rocket, meanwhile, was going fast enough to have reentry forces on it. Gene reflected that whoever invented fairings was a genius.


Gene kept the rocket going- no orbit burns for them. Following the launch of Duna 1, Gene and Wernher decided against using orbits. 


And the journey of Ike 1 commenced.




One year later

The probe's encounter with Duna needed more time. And, since Ike 1 was still on a path with Kerbin, it had a Kerbin encounter. Telescopes looked out on the probe, seeing the object fly past into the great unknown.




Gene and Mission Control were at it again. If they missed Duna, they were screwed. 


The probe made the burn.

Gene watched with clammy, sweaty, trembling hands.

And then, on the screen, Linus said "That looks like Duna and Ike."



Gene collapsed into his chair, a weak smile on his face as cheers went up all around him.

The probe burned retrograde and captured around Duna.



And then, the strangest thing happened...


Gene had no issues with that, and the flight continued.








And the cheers of KSC went up again.


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  On 4/24/2016 at 1:03 PM, KerbalCorgi said:


I'm here to inform you that from now on, Kerbal Freeplay will be taking place in a story mode style writing. Like the last 2 entries. 




Awww yiss! I just read all of it. And it's awesome! This deserves a LOT more attention, I'm guessing you've been reading Emiko Station or Forgotten Space Program?

I'm guessing you're new to KSP. I have thousands of hours and have never landed on another body, only gotten as far was Eve orbit. Kudos to you for orbiting Minmus and then landing on it straight afterwards! You've actually really inspired me to go send an interplanetary probe to Duna.

If you're looking for a new destination, I recommend going to Eve, from there you can land on Gilly, which has practically no gravity, I've heard it's really fun to bounce around on Gilly :P

May I suggest putting the story mode style writing be put into a chapter-volume order? For example, each update to the report is one chapter, a certain amount of chapters go in a volume. And I also suggest putting more information on the first post in the thread, as I'm still confused whether this is sandbox or science. I think it would be cool if you started some manned missions, such as first Kerbal in orbit, then a space station and then some Mun missions :D

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  On 4/24/2016 at 1:26 PM, Sharkman Briton said:

Awww yiss! I just read all of it. And it's awesome! This deserves a LOT more attention, I'm guessing you've been reading Emiko Station or Forgotten Space Program?

I'm guessing you're new to KSP. I have thousands of hours and have never landed on another body, only gotten as far was Eve orbit. Kudos to you for orbiting Minmus and then landing on it straight afterwards! You've actually really inspired me to go send an interplanetary probe to Duna.

If you're looking for a new destination, I recommend going to Eve, from there you can land on Gilly, which has practically no gravity, I've heard it's really fun to bounce around on Gilly :P

May I suggest putting the story mode style writing be put into a chapter-volume order? For example, each update to the report is one chapter, a certain amount of chapters go in a volume. And I also suggest putting more information on the first post in the thread, as I'm still confused whether this is sandbox or science. I think it would be cool if you started some manned missions, such as first Kerbal in orbit, then a space station and then some Mun missions :D


First off-Thanks for reading it!

I'm sort of new to KSP-got the full version last christmas, but I played the demo beforehand-not sure what that makes me?

Kudos with the Duna probe!

For Eve, read the next Chapter.

I have been reading Emiko Sation and want to start on FSP

I'll try the volume thing.  

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  On 4/24/2016 at 1:26 PM, Sharkman Briton said:

May I suggest putting the story mode style writing be put into a chapter-volume order? For example, each update to the report is one chapter, a certain amount of chapters go in a volume. And I also suggest putting more information on the first post in the thread, as I'm still confused whether this is sandbox or science. I think it would be cool if you started some manned missions, such as first Kerbal in orbit, then a space station and then some Mun missions :D


Did the chapter thing. First post.

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Chapter 6: Eve Explorer

A massive rocket was being rolled down the crawlerway.


"That's good, boys!" cried out Gene Kerman.

"She's one impressive ship, I'll give her that," said Gus Kerman.

"Zhe's a good rocket for ze big missions," was Wernher's reply.

65 days earlier

"Alright guys, we have a new contract on us. This one's from Ally Kerman's Interior Decorating and Rocket Fuel Co. They want us to go to Eve, 'because we believe there is good purple paint in the making there.' Any objections?"

"Yes, Gene, it's going to cost-"


"Good job with the wrench, Bill. So, no questions?"


"Good! Gus, you guys get cracking."

65 days later

The rocket flew upwards, and soon began to heat up.



And the journey of the Eve 1 began.





Mission Control began to plot a course to Eve. And the probe made the burn.



"It made it!" Linus cried out.


Gene squinted at the monitor.

"That's Eve..."


"HOLY KRAKEN! WE MADE IT!" Jeb screeched.


"Engage the retroburn!'

"We're around Eve!"


"Prepare to make the burn."






The sun set over Eve...


As the probe circled around Eve, Linus said.

"The sunrises on Eve... they're green."



Now, Wernher was wondering... could Eve's oceans be made of rocket fuel?

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I'm sorry about the lack of content, but with testing and school...urghh.

Interlude: Tandin and Hayna

The two young kerbals, one male and one female, stood by the table in crisp, clean, white shirts, emblazoned with the C7 Aerospace Division logo and name tags.

The two kerbals were named Tandin and Hayna. Tandin was the male, Hayna the female.

On the table sat a large poster board, which was preceded by a small box with wires and such sticking out.

Wernher and Gene walked over.

"Hello, you two. I'm Gene Kerman and this is Wernher Von Kerman. Both of us are judges of the 10th annual Kerbal Space Program Innovation Awards."     

"Hello, sir," said Tandin, shaking Gene's hand.

"Zhis is your project, zhen?" asked Wernher.

"Correct, sir," said Hayna. "This is the Mobile Tracking Monitor Unit, designed to track ships and such without a huge dish."

Tandin continued. "It works by detecting electricity in an area, and from there, it is able to identify the ship."

"Interesting. We must move on, but thank you for your time," said Gene.

"Same to you," replied Hayna.

15 minutes later

"And the grand prize winner is... Tandin and Hayna Kerman!"

Hayna and Tandin cheered and hugged.

They were promptly recruited at KSC the next day 

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  On 4/28/2016 at 11:54 PM, KerbalCorgi said:

I'm sorry about the lack of content, but with testing and school...urghh.

Interlude: Tandin and Hayna

The two young kerbals, one male and one female, stood by the table in crisp, clean, white shirts, emblazoned with the C7 Aerospace Division logo and name tags.

The two kerbals were named Tandin and Hayna. Tandin was the male, Hayna the female.

On the table sat a large poster board, which was preceded by a small box with wires and such sticking out.

Wernher and Gene walked over.

"Hello, you two. I'm Gene Kerman and this is Wernher Von Kerman. Both of us are judges of the 10th annual Kerbal Space Program Innovation Awards."     

"Hello, sir," said Tandin, shaking Gene's hand.

"Zhis is your project, zhen?" asked Wernher.

"Correct, sir," said Hayna. "This is the Mobile Tracking Monitor Unit, designed to track ships and such without a huge dish."

Tandin continued. "It works by detecting electricity in an area, and from there, it is able to identify the ship."

"Interesting. We must move on, but thank you for your time," said Gene.

"Same to you," replied Hayna.

15 minutes later

"And the grand prize winner is... Tandin and Hayna Kerman!"

Hayna and Tandin cheered and hugged.

They were promptly recruited at KSC the next day 


Welp, I'm guessing this is going to be like those married ones in Emiko Station? Nevertheless, I think it's time for an unmanned Duna landing!

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