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I'm coming into some money soon. What should I get?


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  On 4/20/2016 at 4:50 PM, Tex Mechs Robot said:

I'm pretty sure it is a very old phrase that was created to caution people to not invest everything they have into one source of capital gain.


That is already a definition that is quite a bit broader than before. Though it is even broader than that: it simple means you should not risk everything in one place, create a single point of failure. It does not necessarily signify anything financial. It could also mean that you should not put all your efforts into one project.

Since the stock market has nothing to do with eggs, it does not originate from there in the literal sense, nor was the phrase coined for the stock or even financial market specifically.

I apologize for driving the point home like that, I have a bit of a knee-jerk response to the word literal being used when things are not quite literal :P

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  On 4/20/2016 at 5:38 PM, Camacha said:

That is already a definition that is quite a bit broader than before. Though it is even broader than that: it simple means you should not risk everything in one place, create a single point of failure. It does not necessarily signify anything financial. It could also mean that you should not put all your efforts into one project.

Since the stock market has nothing to do with eggs, it does not originate from there in the literal sense, nor was the phrase coined for the stock or even financial market specifically.

I apologize for driving the point home like that, I have a bit of a knee-jerk response to the word literal being used when things are not quite literal :P


I'm literally the king of the word literal.

I only use it when I feel it is appropriate because I too literally cringe when people use it too loosely.

However, I wasn't referencing the stock market when I used the word stock, only a generic capital venture (which is why I changed my term in my last post). I could have been clearer and used a different word since the context clearly pointed to the modern stock market. Also, the original source of this phrase is unclear so we cannot be sure of its intended purpose. All we have is that its documented uses have always been in reference to capital ventures.


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  On 4/20/2016 at 5:44 PM, Tex Mechs Robot said:

All we have is that its documented uses have always been in reference to capital ventures.


It has not, which was literally the point of my post :P Almost all definitions mention other things alongside financial matters. It can be about reputation, effort, exertion and many other things.


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  On 4/20/2016 at 6:10 PM, Tex Mechs Robot said:

The earliest source I found was clearly a financial topic. However, in time it has grown to include all of the topics you mentioned. Literally, everything under the sun.


Various sources claim various things, though the proverb seems to have existed before those earliest sources, as it is used in a way that suggest it was already known at the time. It is impossible to know whether the meaning back then was purely financial, but in lieu of any evidence, we cannot assume it was.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 6:27 PM, Tex Mechs Robot said:

An unclear origin does not imply that the first documented source is not the origin.

We're not going to agree on this :-)


You are right, because the arguments do not seem coherent. An unclear origin means exactly that: the origin is not clear. You cannot interpret that as the oldest known example being the origin. That would be a faulty deduction. There is no reason to assume it is the origin. That would be like assuming that the oldest known organism is also the origin of life.



This phrase is often attributed to Miguel Cervantes, the contemporary of Shakespeare and author (in 1605) of the world-famous "Don Quixote." However, in fact Cervantes' original Spanish doesn't use this phrase; various English translators have used it to convey his meaning.

The phrase is probably as old as Cervantes or even older; the first certain recorded use is in a 1660 text, where it is clearly already a well known proverb. After this it appears frequently, always with the same meaning of "Don't put all your resources (money, time, energy) into the same project, in case that project fails." There is a German saying "Make sure you have a lot of legs to stand on," which is the same idea, but looked at from a more positive angle.[/]


Emphasis by me. For as far as we know it has always been known to mean the things we attribute to it nowadays.

Oh, would it be possible to quote the message you respond to? That way, the person replied to gets a message, which would be splendid :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second airsoft.  I played it for a little bit, but didn't have enough money or interest to keep playing.  I would like to get back into it if I had the money, though.  First I would say go to reddit/r/airsoft, it's a great place to look into for getting started and there's tons of help on there for what gun to buy, what accessories, etc.  I wouldn't bother with camo for a while until you really decide it's worth it, I didn't think it was.  Look into fields to play at around you.  The distance may decide for you whether you want to get into it in the first place, but there are some who drive an hour and a half to get to theirs.  Even if your field only requires eye protection, use full face.  It's not fun blowing your $1,200 on a broken tooth.

Or, you could get a drone! That would be really cool, I bet!  $1,200 is more than enough for a really good one.

Edited by SlabGizor117
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  On 4/29/2016 at 1:05 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

I second airsoft.  I played it for a little bit, but didn't have enough money or interest to keep playing.  I would like to get back into it if I had the money, though.  First I would say go to reddit/r/airsoft, it's a great place to look into for getting started and there's tons of help on there for what gun to buy, what accessories, etc.  I wouldn't bother with camo for a while until you really decide it's worth it, I didn't think it was.  Look into fields to play at around you.  The distance may decide for you whether you want to get into it in the first place, but there are some who drive an hour and a half to get to theirs.  Even if your field only requires eye protection, use full face.  It's not fun blowing your $1,200 on a broken tooth.

Or, you could get a drone! That would be really cool, I bet!  $1,200 is more than enough for a really good one.


Phantom 4 is around $1200 but I believe you might need permits to fly it in certain places, which might be a hassle.

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  On 4/29/2016 at 1:05 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

I second airsoft.  I played it for a little bit, but didn't have enough money or interest to keep playing.  I would like to get back into it if I had the money, though.  First I would say go to reddit/r/airsoft, it's a great place to look into for getting started and there's tons of help on there for what gun to buy, what accessories, etc.  I wouldn't bother with camo for a while until you really decide it's worth it, I didn't think it was.  Look into fields to play at around you.  The distance may decide for you whether you want to get into it in the first place, but there are some who drive an hour and a half to get to theirs.  Even if your field only requires eye protection, use full face.  It's not fun blowing your $1,200 on a broken tooth.

Or, you could get a drone! That would be really cool, I bet!  $1,200 is more than enough for a really good one.


Airsoftsociety.com and airsoftforum.com (not as active) are great places, and you'll likely see me around there.

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A giant concrete cube. You can buy 80-lb bags of concrete at the Home Depot for about $3.30. You'd probably be able to do even better if you work something out with a bulk supplier.

But let's say you go with Home Depot. You can buy about 360 bags, or 28800 pounds of concrete. That's a block of concrete about 1.75 meters on a side! I don't know what you would use it for, but I'm sure somebody would be impressed.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 3:36 PM, kenbobo said:

Dude, I have a 2007 iMac. I use it to browse the forums, and play some light flash games/ light games in general. It works like a charm on 10.11. Best life of a product I've ever seen. My DSi is obsolete, and it came out late 2008.

I have a computer I built in 2009 and it can't even run any sort of game made.



My iMac is mid 2007.  I play all kinds of games on it (inc. KSP [at least 1.0.5 didn't lock up in the VAB]).  As for the OP and money; invest it in penny stocks.  You'll either loose it all or make a lot of money.  :sealed:

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