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Better Control grouping (SAS, Pilot, and Normal for all)

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I've been flying planes without SAS more frequently to obtain a smoother flight, and now with 1.1 there's an option to dedicate the reaction wheel control to SAS only, Pilot only, and normal. However a few things are missing I believe.
1) Ability to set Pilot control, SAS control, or Normal control to control surfaces.
2) Ability to change Reaction wheel mode to Dampener, allowing you to dampen your rotation along the x,y, and z axis. This would allow for smoother craft turning, without the jerky movement we have currently.
3) Ability to adjust the dampener of reaction wheels (along x,y and z axis individually or as a whole),engine vectors, steering wheels, and control surfaces so you're not forced to change your attitude quickly and suddenly if you dont want to. I know how stubborn you are.
4) Ability to set the Vector control of engines to Pilot only and SAS only, as well as Normal.
5) Ability to create presets for control surfaces and bind them to an action group.

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