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I often see post about career mode being somewhat a fail for many different reason. One the surface very often is the emptyness of the mode "story wise".

Maybe SQUAD should consider adding some kind of story mode, where the space program advancement would be molded on some story line. 

I've already seen more than enough fan lore to create an interesting, and Kerbally funny story. It would also allow for some " lore harmonisation", as we would now have an official version of what the Kerbals are.

Quick Idea, just to show what i mean:

"It's year 0 of the new Kerbalian era. After having lived for many many centuries hidden in their underground cave, the Kerbal mold people scientist realised alarmed that there was a problem with the planet Kerbin core. For some unknown reason, temperature are rising, drying out the cave and making it harder and harder for little Kerbals spores to hatch into fully formed Kerbals. With the normally reckless nature of Kerbals, we have now reached à point were deat surpass birth. As it have been deemed impossible to manage Kerbin core température, a group of the more elite Kerbals (still) alive was sent to investigate the surface. Will they find a way to save Kerbalkind?"

Evidently, this would require à new tech tree, allowing to first explore Kerbin, then after some test one discovery that the surface is no better for Kerbals survival. Yet, they saw this rocks in the sky, maybe there is cave there that could house Kerbalkind. So we move to space travel, where we evidently learn Mun and Minmus won't do (not even an atmosphere).

Hiring crew could be changed, you invest found to grow new spores to maturity, but they start dumb and fearful. You gotta spend science to make the growing techniques better and get smart and courageous Kerbals.

The final focus of the game would then be the explore the system in order to find that spot where Kerbalkind could survive.


It's first draft Idea, feel free to comment and hopefully add flesh on my Idea bones.

You also got every right to think it's a bad Idea, just stay civilised about it please! Lol


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It's not a bad idea at all - but a story mode has been suggested quite a few times already. :) 

The trick would be to have enough of a story to be worth having one at all, whilst leaving it sufficiently open-ended that the player doesn't feel like they're being railroaded through it.



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I kind of like how RO deals with it (even though I've never played it and correct me if I'm wrong) and would like to see it kerbalized: you spend money on tech and build limited amounts of engines/tanks for cash. That way reusing would actually make sense. You start off with small engines and go bigger and better. SRBs first, then jets and rockets (or the other way around, since both were built more or less in the same period of the human history).

Science experiments: those help you understand the processes of heat, atmospheric drag and friction. By knowing how physics works you unlock newer and better equipment that, for example, is lighter and has higher heat resistance than previously, or (if it's an engine) grants you another stage of engineering research.

Terrier -> Reliant -> Swivel -> Vector

The tree just doesn't cut it. It's a nice idea, but doesn't work very well.

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