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Buying the island runway in career mode

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Should there be an option in career mode to buy the island runway? Perhaps not necessarily upgrading it like with the  space centre but being able to fly and build aircraft from there to? I know that the space centre is right next door but it could be fun and add a bit of choice? ☺

Would be nice to see options for multiple space centre sites to.

would it be that difficult to implement?I'm not a programer. .


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Rofl.. Sounds fantastic..


But what were you to do with an extra runway ?  anyone ?


"Would be nice to see options for multiple space centre sites to. "  ~ Mr Falcor

Is already downloadable m8

Edited by Knaapie
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Lol haha ☺ I know it sounds silly considering you have the much larger runway next door,perhaps the reason should be just because you can or so you have an extra option ?I mean it may as well be functional and more interactive is surely a good thing right?

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haha,,  Well yes it is a bit silly, doesn't make it a bad idea though.

The flaw in the current career mode is that after upgrading the entire KSC, you have an abundance of resources.


This might be a bit off topic...  but..  What if owning more properties would bring more monthly maintenance costs..  Yet owning more properties will give you more reputation benefits for harder more feastable missions.. Also a bit far fetched but there could be something there.

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Kerbal Konstructs offers a 'launch site selector' that lets you use the island runway and the old KSC, optionally make it cost funds to 'open' them before being able to use them. There's also the possibility to add a whole list of new launchpads/runways all over Kerbin, with the same mechanic.

It's awesome stuff. Makes the planet feel a lot less empty, and adds tons of options to game play.

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I dont think its off topic.

like the idea of buying multiple property's in career mode haveing them linked too reputation and more missions sounds good . I guess building that into the stock game paves the way for multi player After all it adds that bit more .





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2 minutes ago, Snikersnee said:

Honestly I would just prefer a second runway.

Something like this:

sorry for being scarcastic, but what would you do with that?

Choose the second runway to better land against the wind?

Edited by Knaapie
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14 minutes ago, Snikersnee said:

I'm just saying that I would prefer a second runway to being able to buy the island runway. I guess you could use it to launch two things at once, if you want to have a try at mid-air docking.

So you dont really have a reason...  alright, idea discarded.

/edit:  i'm being harsh because you're changing the idea of the topic, without any reasoning, you're giving your own idea without "recommending" it. I'd even go as far to say, that this would work out for your warfare games. and is the actual reason why you'd like it. That would make this a mod orientated comment, completely off-topic for the stock game.

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I do have a reason and I told you it, I'm not recommending it, I'm just saying that if another stock runway was added close to the KSC, I'd prefer one next to the currently stock one over the tiny, dirt runway that's on the island. Jeez.

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Apart from the very useless old stock parts and hangars, they are pretty much the exact same. lODnv53.png


And from a logical standpoint, if you are a new space/airplane company, why waste fuel and money towing the crafts from the KSC to the island. My idea (not recommendation) is realistic because double runways are a thing in real life, makes it easier for commercial and cargo airlines to do things efficiently.

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1 minute ago, Snikersnee said:

Apart from the very useless old stock parts and hangars, they are pretty much the exact same. 

And from a logical standpoint, if you are a new space/airplane company, why waste fuel and money towing the crafts from the KSC to the island. My idea (not recommendation) is realistic because double runways are a thing in real life, makes it easier for commercial and cargo airlines to do things efficiently.

yes, because realistically speaking commercial airlines is a thing in KSP.

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A second runway in a north-south orientation could be nice if they add something like wind... or for launching/landing spaceplanes to/from polar orbits (not needed, but convenient).

I'd prefer another runway halfway around kerbin... where landings get 100% recovery as if it were kerbin (or low recovery costs based on mass that needs to be transported, rather than base cost of the parts).

The island runway could be useful for those time when I overshoot KSC, and can't safely make the descent steeper. Right now I've considered a temporary solution: find a flat piece of land with ore, and have a fueling station there... but that only works for powered spaceplanes... unpowered orbiters like on an STS style lifter can't use it. Its of dubois use for my vertical launch SSTOs that descent on parachutes...

Mainly I'd just like more options to bring craft back cost effectively in career... or to lower recovery costs (where recovery costs are calculated based on the distance to the nearest facility, not just KSC).

So for that purpose, I'd love to be able to purchase KSC 2... and put a runway there (leave all the other old buildings as easter eggs, and only allow purchase after KSC facilities are all lvl 3, have KSC 2 facilities act as lvl 3)

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11 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

I'd prefer another runway halfway around kerbin... where landings get 100% recovery as if it were kerbin (or low recovery costs based on mass that needs to be transported, rather than base cost of the parts).

Yeah, that would be a must. And not only 2 runways, but say one by "Private compagny (Rockomax, etc...)" spread all over Kerbin, figuring the major population centers. Maybe the recovery bonus could even be related to your reputation relative to that compagny. You could fulfill contracts for them or even give money to improve it. You could also have some "jealousy" between two rival companies, meaning that getting well with one makes the other angry. And each one would give missions specialized in one area (exploring, rescuing, testing, space stations, space tourism...), to give a strategic depht to the whole "system". :)

Edited by N_Molson
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I would like another north-south runway at the KSC and the old island runway to be puchasable. Also with a ramp by the end of it, since it's really close to the sea. You don't want things to fall and get wet, do ya?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/19/2016 at 10:05 AM, Knaapie said:

sorry for being scarcastic, but what would you do with that?

Choose the second runway to better land against the wind?

If they added 0/18 runway you could launch polar without having to turn around.

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On 4/19/2016 at 10:43 AM, Tr1gg3r said:

2 runways? Turn it into a harbour boat building. Launch boats from pier or something useful

i agree with this and have thought about a "ship yard" or sub-pen building would be helpful

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Alshain: "If they added 0/18 runway you could launch polar without having to turn around."

Ok, you got me, add this feature now !  Best idea ever


Edited by Knaapie
how tha... did that previous qoute got there :/
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