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1.1 AMD Blurry text with(out) AA for all UI sizes

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I've seen some people having problems with font size - while that is something I'm not happy about, I also have a problem with in-game antialiasing making my text blurred to the point it hurts to try and focus on it no matter what the UI scaling is set to. I can't turn AA off in game & force override in drivers, because it won't apply it to a borderless windowed game apparently - and good grief is it horrible with no AA :S

Any known workarounds?

AMD 7970, latest catalyst, 1920x1080.

Edited by Van Disaster
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Could you upload a screenshot?

In general, blurred text can happen when the graphics driver is trying to sample the wrong way... Catalyst has something called morphological filter, which can alter images and text in games (anything that gets rasterised) that makes things extra smooth or very blurry... Search for the settings, turn it off (uncheck it) and give it a go again.

Also are you running on Windows? Try switching from DirectX to OpenGL if possible (read this).

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I have problem with blurry text to.

KSP 1.1, Win 7 x64, UI scale 100%.

Text unsharp whith any resolution, DirectX or OpenGL mode, NVidia 650M or Intel HD graphics 4000 videocard.


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Morphological filtering causes so many problems I turned it off & left it off years ago.

The obvious place to show is the graphics settings.

AA off:

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AA on:

The rest of the UI text is like that. It doesn't seem to matter what AA method I use.

OpenGL seems to fix the text issue, but performance is atrocious, both my monitors flicker when I switch in & out of the game window & there are fairly major shadow artifacts.

Edited by Van Disaster
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I'm having the same problem  - OSX 10.11.4 (El Capitan), 2x quad Xeon, Radeon HD 5770.

Tried turning off AA but it doesn't seem to affect text at all. 1600x1000 screen size. I've tried different screen resolutions but it doesn't help at all.

A collection of text items in particular:


And a blown-up and annotated version:

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I've had to stop playing 1.1 because it was doing my eyes in terribly.

I've also tried changing UI size settings, and also tried MakeItSmall (which makes some things manageable, but never all).

Also, just for comparison, 1.0.5 with the same resolution. The only thing that is less clear (despite smaller sizes, especially the NavBall which appears to be 188 pixels high compared to 250 pixels in 1.1) is the time-to-node text, where 5s and 6s are virtually indistinguishable in 1.0.5:

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OK, so after a driver update ( catalyst 16.4.1 at the moment ) I set all default 3d settings to "Use application", and now my text looks like this even with AA off in DX9:

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And just to make sure:

AA -> use app settings
Morph filtering -> off
Aniso -> use app settings

The smaller text in dialogs & flight scene is approaching unreadable:

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I'm pretty sure there's nothing left to turn off at this point.

Edited by Van Disaster
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Well, oddly (and inexplicably), my blurriness has cleared itself up. I don't know what did it, but text is mostly all sharp now : /

My config settings (assuming these are relevant):


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Possibly the update to 1.1.1 fixed it for you ( if you're a steam user ). 1.1.1 corrected the bad font edge rendering issue, I'm just left with hard to read downscaled text still. Ironically the problem font ( the green one used for time & navball speed ) is easier to read in DX11, even when many other parts of the UI are blurred!

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry for the necro, but I'm still getting this problem. I'm also using a 7970 (playing at 1920x1080) and I find that, at 100% UI scale, the UI is simply far too large (the navball is the most annoying part). The UI size and font rendering was fine before 1.1, so I don't know why there's suddenly this issue. I have to set the UI to 80% for it to be a reasonable size, but this is when the font simply blurs; it's identical to Plusck's screenshot above.

Scott Manley's 1.2 pre-release video mentioned changes to the font rendering, so I do hope this has been fixed. I've held off on playing 1.1 because it's far too irritating to ignore.

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