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1.1 64bit always crashing

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Game always crashes(without error) in VAB after 3-4 minutes. I tried many things but i can't figure it out. I need some help here. Thank you


Output Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/arkowu451csfrni/output_log.txt?dl=0

KSP Log:    https://www.dropbox.com/s/w81hsn9jfj6pvdr/KSP.log.txt?dl=0

Game Data Folder: https://i.gyazo.com/72611391372486f402f62579bcf7f70b.png

Mods: http://i.imgur.com/fGIvXIs.png


Update: Problem continues with clean setup and without mods. Especially when chancing attachment node.

--------------------------Clean Setup and without mods--------------------------------

KSP LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1uvo7ddkefachta/KSP_2.txt?dl=0

Output Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/8qjrlvs2rfwdl1v/output_log_2.txt?dl=0

Problem : https://media.giphy.com/media/xT1XGI3aeYSy1wMnQI/giphy.gif  (Game closing instantly without giving error)


Asus HD7870 graphic card (Without OverClock)

Corsair Vengance 8GB ram

220 GB SSD Kıngston

AMD FX 6300 processor (With OverClock)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Edited by eroglu994
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I'm having a similar VAB crash. Not sure if it is occurring in the SPH too.   It seems to be on either deleting a previously attached part (either by dropping on the left or hitting delete key) or occasionally while dragging a part over an attachment node. No crash dump is generated but I'm attaching my GameData folder since it seems I have a lot of mods in common too.  Maybe we can narrow it down. 

GameData folder screenshot  (Imgur)

Output log from crash https://www.dropbox.com/s/45fzrcc3qmq7fj4/KSP.log?dl=0


Edited by hypnotoad
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  On 4/24/2016 at 8:01 PM, hypnotoad said:

I'm having a similar VAB crash. Not sure if it is occurring in the SPH too.   It seems to be on either deleting a previously attached part (either by dropping on the left or hitting delete key) or occasionally while dragging a part over an attachment node. No crash dump is generated but I'm attaching my GameData folder since it seems I have a lot of mods in common too.  Maybe we can narrow it down. 

GameData folder screenshot  (Imgur)



yes i agree. it always happens when i attach or drag parts. Game just closes without error and crash log

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Update: Removed Interstellar Fuel Switch and have not had a crash yet. ~30 mins in VAB compared to 3-4 minutes before. 

I'll check Interstellar Fuel Switch.  That was one of my more recently updated mods and seems to be about the time I started experiencing the problem.  Will update. 



Try removing Interstellar Fuel Switch. Everyone posting on this issue, so far, has it installed. I removed it and - so far - haven't had a crash. Might not be correct, but it's a start.



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  On 4/24/2016 at 8:15 PM, ibanix said:

Try removing Interstellar Fuel Switch. Everyone posting on this issue, so far, has it installed. I removed it and - so far - haven't had a crash. Might not be correct, but it's a start.


i tried, but nothing happend. Still gives crash. I removed ;

-Interstellar Fuel Swich

-Interstellar Fuel Switch Core

-KSP Interstellar Extended

-Fuel Tanks Plus

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  On 4/24/2016 at 8:45 PM, hypnotoad said:

Update: Removed Interstellar Fuel Switch and have not had a crash yet. ~30 mins in VAB compared to 3-4 minutes before. 

I'll check Interstellar Fuel Switch.  That was one of my more recently updated mods and seems to be about the time I started experiencing the problem.  Will update. 




Didn't worked for me.


  On 4/24/2016 at 11:00 PM, ibanix said:

I'm using -popup-window to do fake fullscreen, but I think this is unrelated. 


Probably unrelated

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Guys, i tested this problem with fresh downloaded and unmodded KSP. The problem still continues. I recorded a video and made a GIF from it, so you can see what i see. I think the problem is our hardware, because of huge FPS drop when i change attachment node. Somehow it drags the hardware beyond its limit. Could you please list your important hardwares so we can learn that problem is our hardwares.(I wrote my system to my first post)



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  On 4/25/2016 at 12:54 AM, eroglu994 said:

Guys, i tested this problem with fresh downloaded and unmodded KSP. The problem still continues. I recorded a video and made a GIF from it, so you can see what i see. I think the problem is our hardware, because of huge FPS drop when i change attachment node. Somehow it drags the hardware beyond its limit. Could you please list your important hardwares so we can learn that problem is our hardwares.(I wrote my system to my first post)




Interesting. Here I'm running Windows 8 on an i3-4150, 16GB, and a GTX 960.

It seems to me like we need someone with experience reading log files to parse through a bunch of ours for an answer. Anyone willing to rise to that challenge?

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Folks, try the following:

1. Start any game (can be new career or sandbox with default settings)
Go in VAB or SPH and add any part that allow surface attachment, like a command pod
2. Switch symmetry to 2 anything other than 1 (off)
3. Then pick but do not place any part that can be surface attached AND will add staging
4. Finally, just move your mouse cursor repeatedly in a left-to-right motion (cyan arrows in screenshot3) while still "holding" the part from the previous step above the other part until the game crashes (should only be a few seconds if you move fast enough). The idea is to have the "ghost" staging icon (bottom right red arrow in both screenshots) switching from 1 icon to multiple icons repeatedly.


If the above causes a crash, it's apparently a known issue: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241

If you can reproduce with the above steps, register on the bug tracker (http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/account/register); then return to the bug page ( http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241 ) and add a comment indicating you have this problem. Attach your log files.

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Feel free to report your experience in the bug tracker for issue #8241, as it does sound like the same issue here, but keep in mind that there is already a fix that will be included in the next build of the game (I don't know of any ETA yet, but I'm guessing the devs will try to work on as many fixes as they can before the next release).

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  On 4/25/2016 at 4:31 AM, ibanix said:

Folks, try the following:

1. Start any game (can be new career or sandbox with default settings)
Go in VAB or SPH and add any part that allow surface attachment, like a command pod
2. Switch symmetry to 2 anything other than 1 (off)
3. Then pick but do not place any part that can be surface attached AND will add staging
4. Finally, just move your mouse cursor repeatedly in a left-to-right motion (cyan arrows in screenshot3) while still "holding" the part from the previous step above the other part until the game crashes (should only be a few seconds if you move fast enough). The idea is to have the "ghost" staging icon (bottom right red arrow in both screenshots) switching from 1 icon to multiple icons repeatedly.


If the above causes a crash, it's apparently a known issue: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241

If you can reproduce with the above steps, register on the bug tracker (http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/account/register); then return to the bug page ( http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241 ) and add a comment indicating you have this problem. Attach your log files.


I attached my logs and also GIF on the bug tracker. I hope they find the fix quickly.

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Similar issue, although mine is not limited to the VAB

Also, it appears that I can see the insive IVA even from the outside... and they don't correspond either (command chair shows a capsule IVA)

(forgot to add, I removed Interstellar fuel switch, and this still happens)


Edited by zeropositivo
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Well, the CTD did stay after I removed Interstellar Fuel Switch but the frequency seemed less.  I will try and reproduce the error per ibanix's post and update the bug tracker if applicable. 

Thanks everyone for the recommendations and help on this. 

Update: Before I attempted to reproduce the error I had a CTD in the SPH deleting a single Mk1 fuel fuselage without having any symmetry enabled.  I will reload the game and try to reproduce the error. 

  On 4/25/2016 at 4:31 AM, ibanix said:

Folks, try the following:

1. Start any game (can be new career or sandbox with default settings)
Go in VAB or SPH and add any part that allow surface attachment, like a command pod
2. Switch symmetry to 2 anything other than 1 (off)
3. Then pick but do not place any part that can be surface attached AND will add staging
4. Finally, just move your mouse cursor repeatedly in a left-to-right motion (cyan arrows in screenshot3) while still "holding" the part from the previous step above the other part until the game crashes (should only be a few seconds if you move fast enough). The idea is to have the "ghost" staging icon (bottom right red arrow in both screenshots) switching from 1 icon to multiple icons repeatedly.


If the above causes a crash, it's apparently a known issue: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241

If you can reproduce with the above steps, register on the bug tracker (http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/account/register); then return to the bug page ( http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8241 ) and add a comment indicating you have this problem. Attach your log files.



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I would follow the progress on the bugtracker, which is more likely to state when the issue gets fixed and how close to release it is.

It seems like an easy way to reduce the occurrence of this CTD is to make sure you ALWAYS ATTACH a surface-attach item, before picking a new item; don't leave surface attached items 'floating'.

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