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[1.8.x] ION RCS (V0.1.10.0) ION RCS & Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (20th Oct 2019)


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Parts Pack that includes ION RCS thrusters and Pulsed Plasma Thrusters.
These parts used to be included in my AmpYear mod, but moving forward they will now be available as a separate parts pack via this thread and no longer available in future versions of AmpYear. But will be completely supported by AmpYear.


Thrusters that use Xenon-gas and electricity for incredibly efficient RCS. Some limitations:   

  • Has half the Isp of normal Ion engines.   
  • One quarter of the thrust of normal monopropellant RCS thrusters.   
  • Available in one-way linear thruster, 4-way ION RCS block and 4-way 45degrees ION RCS block.   
  • Integrated to TechTree at ionPropulsion.  

Pulsed Plasma Thrusters RCS   
Each thruster contains a fixed amount of Teflon and uses this along with Electric Charge for incredibly efficient propulsion for small craft or maneuvering.   
Some limitations:   

  • Has roughly quarter the ISP of normal RCS thrusters.   
  • One eighth of the thrust of normal monopropellant RCS thrusters.   
  • Only linear thrusters are available.   
  • Integrated to TechTree at advFlightControl.   

* See (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsed_plasma_thruster).   

Planned Changes:

  • Re-texture the parts.
  • Fix AVC files in distribution (I left them out of the initial release).
  • Add better emissives and blue thruster effects.


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License: GPL
This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC.
If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available.
Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent.
For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin

Source Code available on GitHub.

If you like my mods and you want to show your support, then you can support me on Patreon:

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SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least
Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it.  8VWCQzN.png


Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

For support please ensure you are following these instructions.
From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps.


Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains.


JPLRepo : Plugin design and development, C# coding, Graphic design, 3D Models, textures, Implementation and releases.


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Works fine in KSP 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2.
I neglected to include the AVC checker in the initial distribution zip.
I will put out a new version in the coming week once I re-texture the parts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for great mods, @JPLRepo !

Although migration of existing saves is quite complicated (bunch of grep/sed scripts). 

Is that correct that during extraction into separate mod:

  1. "ampYear" prefix was removed from part names;
  2. "ModuleAmpYearPPTRCS" module was renamed to "ModulePPTPoweredRCS".

So if I do the same refactoring in "persistent.sfs" parts would still work?

Edited by VladP53
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Yeah sorry.... If I had the time to figure out the new KSP 1.1+ upgrade API I could have written one to upgrade your saves for you... But time is my enemy.
If you want to upgrade craft or save files that had the parts when they were part of AmpYear you have to go manually edit the .craft and persistent.sfs files manually:-

Change ModuleAmpYearPPTRCS to ModulePPTPoweredRCS
Change ModuleAmpYearPoweredRCS to ModuleIONPoweredRCS

Capatilisation is critical. but if you just do a change all the vessle/craft / parts will function as before.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 11:17 PM, JPLRepo said:

Yeah sorry.... If I had the time to figure out the new KSP 1.1+ upgrade API I could have written one to upgrade your saves for you... But time is my enemy.
If you want to upgrade craft or save files that had the parts when they were part of AmpYear you have to go manually edit the .craft and persistent.sfs files manually:-

Change ModuleAmpYearPPTRCS to ModulePPTPoweredRCS
Change ModuleAmpYearPoweredRCS to ModuleIONPoweredRCS

Capatilisation is critical. but if you just do a change all the vessle/craft / parts will function as before.


Thanks for clarification, so next script saved space station with kerbals onboard :wink:


# Quite many lines, could be combined into one sed invocation, but self explaining
sed -i 's/ModuleAmpYearPPTRCS/ModulePPTPoweredRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ModuleAmpYearPoweredRCS/ModuleIONPoweredRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/AmpYearIONRCSBlock45/IONRCSBlock45/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/AmpYearIONRCSBlock/IONRCSBlock/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ampYearLinearIonRCS/LinearIonRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ampYearLinearPPTRCS/LinearPPTRCS/' persistent.sfs

Maybe it would help someone else.

Edited by VladP53
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  On 5/20/2016 at 11:26 PM, VladP53 said:

Thanks for clarification, so next script saved space station with kerbals onboard :wink:


# Quite many lines, could be combined into one sed invocation, but self explaining
sed -i 's/ModuleAmpYearPPTRCS/ModulePPTPoweredRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ModuleAmpYearPoweredRCS/ModuleIONPoweredRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/AmpYearIONRCSBlock45/IONRCSBlock45/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/AmpYearIONRCSBlock/IONRCSBlock/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ampYearLinearIonRCS/LinearIonRCS/' persistent.sfs
sed -i 's/ampYearLinearPPTRCS/LinearPPTRCS/' persistent.sfs

Maybe it would help someone else.


Yeah sorry... you have to change the part names as well. as per above.

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When this should be independent from AmpYear then this should be fixed:


  name = Teflon
  density = 0.004
  unitCost = 0.4
  hsp = 3000
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  ksparpicon = REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Icons/Teflon   < ---
  ksparpdisplayvalueas = Units

The file is already existing as
so this line could be changed (I already did).

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  On 5/21/2016 at 3:44 PM, Gordon Dry said:

When this should be independent from AmpYear then this should be fixed:


  name = Teflon
  density = 0.004
  unitCost = 0.4
  hsp = 3000
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  ksparpicon = REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Icons/Teflon   < ---
  ksparpdisplayvalueas = Units

The file is already existing as
so this line could be changed (I already did).


Thanks... I will fix in next version. I missed this as ARP is still not available in KSP 1.1+ so actually missing this means nothing without that mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, @JPLRepo!

In, 4-way ION RCS block does not allow to roll left for some reason. Pitch, yaw, roll right, and translation are OK. 45° block and linear ports are OK too.

Here’s my log:

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Edited by Teilnehmer
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  On 6/9/2016 at 4:16 AM, Teilnehmer said:

Hi, @JPLRepo!

In, 4-way ION RCS block does not allow to roll left for some reason. Pitch, yaw, roll right, and translation are OK. 45° block and linear ports are OK too.

Here’s my log:

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Yeah it was broken. :blush: Fixed in V go get it now! :sticktongue:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Now that KSP 1.2 Prerelease is out, PLEASE do not expect mods to be updated quickly.  
Prerelease is for the purpose of further debugging, and gives us modders an opportunity to see the new code and work with it.  
Since prerelease is typically a moving target, I will not be releasing any "official" release of my mods until KSP goes Full 1.2 Release itself.
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I do not have the free time to be continually updating and releasing while 1.2 is still a moving target.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Ping @JPLRepo

I am having some trouble balancing the 4 way rcs blocks. It seems like the thrust vectors for the blocks are out of whack some how. The screen shot is from a clean install + RCS build aid, used to display RCS thrust vectors. It does not matter if you place them in mirror symmetry or individually, the one on the right will always has this weird angled vector. This is the front of a vessel in the SPH, if you go behind the center of mass, it happens on the other side of the vessel, (the left side instead). The other axis are are also messed up, I just chose to illustrate and explain one case, for pitch. Would you like logs for this? As you can see, when the RCS blocks are set to pitch, they should both fire down to push the nose up, and while one of them does, the other one fires at an angle out to the side. 



Edited by Errol
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  • 3 years later...

Hi everyone, some of you may or may not know that I am a senior dev on KSP1 and now also on KSP2.
Unfortunately I am finding it harder and harder to find time to invest in my KSP1 mods as I would like to. Almost all of my efforts and time now go into KSP2.
That is not to say that I am giving up on my KSP1 mods, just that it is unlikely I am going to have much time to invest in looking at or fixing problems with them. I will find the time to fix some things but it is going to be a very slow road I'm afraid.
I will try my best, but cannot gaurantee anything. Instead - I am sinking all my time into KSP2 development in order to deliver all the exciting new stuff we can for KSP2 and opening up modding in KSP2 for everyone as well.
I hope you all understand. Thanks for your patience and support.

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